ZEISS employees benefit from the new Employee Portal in all sorts of ways. Here’s an overview of the key advantages.

When the new Employee Portal was rolled out at the first locations in February of this year, there was considerable interest among ZEISS employees.

How will this benefit my day-to-day work?

In addition to ZOOM News – articles relevant to all ZEISS sites – each user can personalize their news feed under “My News.” There, they can subscribe to news from the different segments, strategic business units, locations and subject-specific articles.

Yammer allows the user to get in touch with colleagues directly. “My Workplace” is an interactive feature where the user can access all the documents they've saved to SharePoint Online and worked on with other colleagues. Additional locations, segments, and countries will receive access to TEAM ZEISS over the course of the year.


Hi Benjamin, I heard that you're an expert on our new Employee Portal. What are the particular advantages for me?

NINJU MANIVANNAN, Senior Staff Scientist, ZEISS Medical Technology


Hi Ninju, I'd be happy to explain :-)

You'll find ZOOM News at the very top of the homepage. These are articles from around the world and of interest no matter where you work. You can see immediately what others thought of them. There's info about how many “Likes” each article got and the number of views.


Great! This way, I'm always up to date. Can I also personalize my news?

NINJU MANIVANNAN, Senior Staff Scientist, ZEISS Medical Technology


Yes, of course! The articles under “My News” are personalized for you based on your location and segment. You get to decide which other topics interest you the most. You can also comment on these via Yammer and like them.


Wonderful! And what exactly is the “Quick Access” section?

NINJU MANIVANNAN, Senior Staff Scientist, ZEISS Medical Technology


“Quick Access” enables you to quickly open the eCademy (in the future, CurioZ) the Wiki and other useful tools.


And what does “My Workplace” offer?

NINJU MANIVANNAN, Senior Staff Scientist, ZEISS Medical Technology


You'll find documents that you and your colleagues have prepared together under “My Workplace.” There, you'll also find the teams
you communicate with regularly and all training measures you're registered for. That means you'll see something diff erent than your colleagues.


New and practical :-) Is there also a page for my particular location?

NINJU MANIVANNAN, Senior Staff Scientist, ZEISS Medical Technology


There's a page for that, too, you'll find it under “Countries and Locations.” It features information about contacts, events and, of course, site-specific news.


Got it! Now I know how everything works. Thanks, Benjamin.

NINJU MANIVANNAN, Senior Staff Scientist, ZEISS Medical Technology



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