
This website is only for basic information. It is not to be considered medical advice or a substitute for obtaining your own medical consultation, during which you will be informed also about possible risks, side effects and restrictions of refractive & cataract surgery. Not all treatment options are approved or offered in every country and approved labeling and instructions may vary from one country to another.

Do you want to improve your eyesight and reduce or eliminate your dependency on glasses or contact lenses? Lenticule Extraction with SMILE® from ZEISS may be a solution for you. Learn here how the procedure is performed and how ZEISS SMILE can improve your vision.


Advanced laser vision correction used around the world

Lenticule Extraction with ZEISS SMILE is an advanced laser vision treatment. Millions of people across the world have already benefited from high-precision ZEISS SMILE laser vision correction. Find out more here.

Step by step through vision correction with ZEISS SMILE

What to expect during the procedure

Here, we highlight the typical steps involved in the laser vision correction procedure using ZEISS SMILE. Your surgeon will explain these steps in more detail and answer any additional questions you may have.
  • 1st Step
    Preparing you for the procedure

    Before starting the procedure, your eye is numbed using anaesthetic drops. To keep your eye open during surgery, an eyelid holder is fitted. A contact glass is placed on your eye and the suction it produces will keep your eye still. You may experience some slight pressure during this step.

  • 2nd Step
    Reshaping your cornea with ZEISS SMILE

    Lenticule Extraction is performed on the VisuMax® with SMILE from ZEISS. Using a femtosecond laser, in less than 30 seconds, the laser creates a small disc of corneal tissue (called a lenticule) and a small opening of ~ 4 mm. The exact size and shape of the lenticule is specific to your refractive error.

  • 3rd Step
    Preparing to remove the lenticule

    The lenticule is then removed through the small opening created by the laser.

  • 4th Step
    Correcting your vision to make you smile

    Removing the lenticule changes the shape of the cornea, thereby correcting your vision. The small opening will close as your eye heals.

  • 5th Step
    Healing and Recovery

    With ZEISS SMILE, some patients can return to many of their regular activities of daily living as soon as the following day. However, patients should avoid risky activities such as contact sports or being in dusty or smoky environments. Before and after eye surgery, your doctor will advise you on when it is appropriate and safe to resume any specific activities.

The advantages of ZEISS SMILE

Why should you choose vision correction with ZEISS SMILE?

The procedure with ZEISS SMILE corrects near-sightedness with or without astigmatism in patients who qualify. In most cases following surgery with ZEISS SMILE, many patients enjoy improved vision that will even get better within a couple of days. Here’s some more advantages of the Lenticule Extraction with ZEISS SMILE:

  • Flapless procedure 

    Vision correction with ZEISS SMILE is a minimally invasive, flapless and bladeless procedure where the small opening created by the laser is ~ 4 mm.

  • It’s technologically advanced

    ZEISS SMILE is high-precision technology that can correct near-sightedness with or without astigmatism.

  • Fast recovery

    With ZEISS SMILE, your vision should stabilise within a few weeks. Your eye doctor can advise you when it is appropriate to resume any specific activities.

Find a ZEISS SMILE center near you

Providers offering the procedure with ZEISS SMILE

Not all providers offer ZEISS SMILE technology. To make it easy for you to find a center offering ZEISS’ technology near you, search our ZEISS SMILE Clinic Finder.

Frequently Asked Questions on ZEISS SMILE?

  • ZEISS SMILE laser vision correction is approved for patients with near-sightedness (myopia) with or without astigmatism. While myopia causes your vision to be blurred for far away objects, hyperopia means nearby objects or text is fuzzy and obscure. Astigmatism causes further distorted or blurred vision as the cornea is more oval than round (like a football) and can lead to headaches and eye strain.

    If you are looking for a vision correction center powered by ZEISS technology, please consult our clinic finder.

  • Your ophthalmic surgeon will provide you with a list of instructions about your procedure, including when to stop wearing your contact lenses, what to eat on the day, what to wear to your procedure and when to administer your post-op, prescription eye drops. Please note, you will need to arrange for someone to take you home after the procedure.

  • Following the procedure, you should avoid rubbing or touching your eye. Some ophthalmic surgeons may recommend wearing eye shields while sleeping for a day or so following your treatment.

  • In most cases, following the surgery with ZEISS SMILE, patients enjoy improved vision immediately – and it will even get better over the next few days.

    However, you will not be able to drive after the procedure, so you will need to arrange for someone to take you home. Please also talk to your consultant for any details that might be applicable in your particular circumstances.

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    This website is only for basic information. It is not to be considered medical advice or a substitute for obtaining your own medical consultation, during which you will be informed also about possible risks, side effects and restrictions of refractive & cataract surgery. Not all treatment options are approved or offered in every country and approved labeling and instructions may vary from one country to another.