Publikationen zur Femtosekundenlaser-Technologie in der refraktiven Chirurgie
Mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf die Lentikelextraktion mit SMILE
Liste der Artikel zur Lentikelextraktion mit SMILE
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Anwendung von SMILE
JahrTitelLinkZeitschriftVerfasserOkt. 2019Small Incision Lenticule Extraction (SMILE).StatPearlsMoshirfar M, Somani SN, Patel BCDez. 2018Initial single-site surgical experience with SMILE: a comparison of results to FDA SMILE, and the earliest and latest generation of LASIK.Ophthalmology and TherapyMoshirfar M, Murri MS, Shah TJ, Linn SH, Ronquillo Y, Birdsong OC, Hoopes Jr PCSep. 2018Small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE) technique: patient selection and perspectives.Clinical OphthalmologyTitiyal JS, Kaur M, Shaikh F, Gagrani M, Brar AS, Rathi AAug. 2018Practice pearls for ReLEx SMILE in 2018.European Ophthalmic ReviewReinstein DZJan. 2018Refractive lenticule extraction SMILE: a new refractive surgery paradigm.Indian Journal of OphthalmologyGanesh S, Brar S, Arra RROkt. 2016Refractive lenticule extraction (ReLEx) through a small incision (SMILE) for correction of myopia and myopic astigmatism: current perspectives.Clinical OphthalmologyAğca A, Demirok A, Yıldırım Y, Demircan A, Yaşa D, Yeşilkaya C, Perente I, Taşkapılı MJul. 2015Femtosecond laser refractive surgery: small incision lenticule extraction vs. femtosecond laser-assisted LASIK.Current Opinion in OphthalmologyLee JK, Chuck RS, Park CYApr. 2015Small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE) in 2015.CorneaReinstein DZMär. 2015Advances in refractive surgery.Asia-Pacific Journal of OphthalmologyMysore N, Krueger RMär. 2015Small incision lenticule extraction.Journal of Cataract & Refractive SurgeryMoshirfar M, McCaughey MV, Reinstein DZ, Shah R, Santiago-Caban L, Fenzl CROkt. 2014Small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE) history, fundamentals of a new refractive surgery technique and clinical outcomes.Eye and VisionReinstein DZ, Archer TJ, Gobbe M
JahrTitelLinkZeitschriftVerfasserJul. 2019Small Incision Lenticule Extraction (SMILE) for Hyperopia: 12-Month Refractive and Visual Outcomes.Journal of Refractive SurgeryPradhan KR, Reinstein DZ, Carp Gl, Archer TJ, Dhungana PApr. 2019Hyperopic small-incision lenticule extraction.Current Opinion in OphthalmologyMoshirfar M, Bruner CD, Skanchy DF, Shah TJan. 2019Small Incision Lenticule Extraction for hyperopia: 3-Month refractive and visual outcomes.Journal of Refractive SurgeryReinstein DZ, Pradhan KR, Carp GI, Archer TJ, Day AC, Sekundo W, Dhungana PMär. 2018Higher-order-aberrations following hyperopia treatment: small incision lenticule extraction, laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis and lenticule implantation.Translational Vision Science & TechnologyLiu YC, Wen J, Teo EPW, Williams GP, Lwin NC, Mehta JSMär. 2018Hyperopic refractive correction by LASIK, SMILE or lenticule reimplantation in a non-human primate model.PLOS OneWilliams GP, Wu B, Liu YC, Teo E, Nyein CL, Peh G, Tan DT, Mehta JSJun. 2017SMILE for hyperopia: optical zone diameter and spherical aberration induction.Journal of Refractive SurgeryReinstein D, Pradhan KR, Carp GI, Archer TJ, Gobbe M, Sekundo W, Khan R, Dhungana PMär. 2017SMILE for hyperopia: optical zone centration.Journal of Refractive SurgeryReinstein D, Pradhan KR, Carp GI, Archer TJ, Gobbe M, Sekundo W, Khan R, Citron K, Dhungana PJan. 2017Changes in astigmatism, densitometry, and aberrations after SMILE for low to high myopic astigmatism: a 12-month prospective study.Journal of Refractive SurgeryPedersen IB, Ivarsen A, Hjortdal JOkt. 2016A pilot study of SMILE for hyperopia: corneal morphology and surface characteristics of concave lenticules in human donor eyes.Journal of Refractive SurgeryZhao J, Miao H, Han T, Shen Y, Zhao Y, Sun L, Zhou XMai 2016Improved lenticule shape for hyperopic femtosecond lenticule extraction (ReLEx® FLEx): a pilot study.Lasers in Medical ScienceSekundo W, Reinstein DZ, Blum M
JahrTitelLinkZeitschriftVerfasserDez. 2019Early Corneal Wound Healing Response After Small Incision Lenticule Extraction.CorneaSun Y, Zhang T, Liu M, Zhou Y, Weng S, Yang X, Liu QMär. 2019Comparison of corneal epithelial remodeling over 2 years in LASIK versus SMILE: A contralateral eye study.CorneaKanellopoulos AJDez. 2018Intraocular pressure changes in eyes with small incision lenticules and laser in situ keratomileusis.Clinical & Experimental OptometryWang KJ, Wang WW, Tsai CL, Wang IJOkt. 2018Corneal thickness, residual stromal thickness, and its effect on opaque bubble layer in SMILE.International Journal of OphthalmologyMa J, Wang Y, Li L, Zhang JOkt. 2018Real-time intraocular pressure measurements in the vitreous chamber of rabbit eyes during small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE).Current Eye ResearchCheng W, Liu L, Yu S, Jing Y, Zuo T, Cui T, Zhang H, Ma J, Wei P, Hao W, Ng A, Cheng G, Woo V, Chiu K, Wang YAug. 2018Corneal remodeling and spatial profiles following small incision lenticule extraction.International OphthalmologyZhang L, Wang Y, Zhao W, Cheng W, Cui TJun. 2018Wound healing, inflammation, and corneal ultrastructure after SMILE and femtosecond laser-assisted LASIK: a human ex vivo study.Journal of Refractive SurgeryLuft N, Schumann RG, Dirisamer M, Kook D, Siedlecki J, Wertheimer C, Priglinger SG, Mayer WJMai 2018Corneal densitometry after FS-LASIK and SMILE.Current Eye ResearchShajari M, Wanner E, Rusev V, Mir Mohi Sefat S, Mayer WJ, Kohnen T, Priglinger S, Kook DMai 2018Cap morphology after SMILE and its effects on intraocular scattering.International Journal of OphthalmologyFu D, Wang L, Zhou XT, Yu ZQDez. 2017Corneal densitometry after PRK, FS-LASIK, and SMILE.EyePoyales F, Garzón N, Mendicute J, Illarramendi I, Caro P, Jáñez O, Argüeso F, López ANov. 2017Risk factors for opaque bubble layer in SMILE.Journal of Refractive SurgeryLi L, Schallhorn JM, Ma J, Zhang L, Dou R, Wang YJul. 2017Comparison of different IOP measurement techniques in normal eyes and post SMILE.Clinical OphthalmologyHosny M, Aboalazayem F, Shiwy HE, Salem MMai 2017In vivo and ex vivo evaluation of inflammation and apoptosis induced after SMILE procedures for different refractive error range.Current Eye ResearchMastropasqua L, Calienno R, Curcio C, Mastropasqua R, Nubile M, Salgari N, Lanzini MApr. 2017Comparison of corneal epithelial remodeling after femtosecond laser-assisted LASIK and SMILE.Journal of Refractive SurgeryRyu IH, Kim BJ, Lee JH, Kim SWJan. 2017Possible risk factors and clinical effects of opaque bubble layer in SMILE.Journal of Refractive SurgerySon G, Lee J, Jang C, Choi KY, Cho BJ, Lim THOkt. 2016Accommodative changes after SMILE for moderate to high myopia correction.BioMed Central OphthalmologyZheng K, Han T, Zhou XTSep. 2016Comparison of corneal biological healing after FS-LASIK and SMILE procedure.Current Eye ResearchXia L, Zhang J, Wu J, Yu KJul. 2016Epithelial thickness profile changes following SMILE for myopia and myopic astigmatism.Journal of Refractive SurgeryGanesh S, Brar S, Relekar KJJul. 2016Corneal epithelial remodeling induced by SMILE.IOVSLuft N, Ring MH, Dirisamer M, Mursch-Edlmayr AS, Kreutzer TC, Pretzl J, Bolz M, Priglinger SGMai 2016Early corneal wound healing and inflammatory responses after SMILE: Comparison of the effects of different refractive corrections and surgical experiences.Journal of Refractive SurgeryLiu YC, Teo EP, Lwin NC, Yam GH, Mehta JSApr. 2016Short term effects of SMILE surgery on corneal endothelium.International Journal of OphthalmologyWang DY, Liu ML, Chen YL, Zhang XY, Xu YT, Wang JC, To CH, Wang JG, Liu QOkt. 2015Short-term and long-term effects of small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE) on corneal endothelial cells.Contact Lens & Anterior EyeZhang H, Wang Y, Xie S, Wu D, Wu W, Xu Lv
Klinische Vorteile von SMILE
JahrTitelLinkZeitschriftVerfasserOkt. 2019Dry Eyes After SMILE.Asia-Pacific Journal of OphthalmologyWong AHY, Cheung RKY, Kua WN, Shih KC, Chan TCY, Wan KHAug. 2019Dry eye after refractive surgery: A meta-analysis.Canadian Journal of OphthalmologySambhi RD, Sambhi GD, Mather R, Malvankar-Mehta MSJan. 2019Influence of incision size on dry eye symptoms in the SMILE procedure.CorneaCetinkaya S, Gulmez M, Mestan E, Ucar F, Ali NDez. 2018Dry eye evaluation and correlation analysis between tear film stability and corneal surface regularity after SMILE.International Journal of OphthalmologyZhang H, Wang YJul. 2018Tear meniscus evaluation after microkeratome LASIK, FS-LASIK and SMILE using AS-OCT.Clinical OphthalmologyShaaban YM, Badran TAFMai 2018Evaluation of femtosecond laser in flap and cap creation in corneal refractive surgery for myopia: a 3-year follow-up.Clinical OphthalmologyElmohamady MN, Abdelghaffar W, Daifalla A, Salem TMai 2017Dry eye and corneal sensitivity after SMILE and FS-LASIK: a meta-analysis.International Journal of OphthalmologyCai W, Liu Q, Ren C, Wie Q, Liu J, Wang Q, Du Y, He M, Yu JJan. 2017Dry eye after SMILE and femtosecond laser-assisted LASIK: meta-analysis.CorneaKobashi H, Kamiya K, Shimizu KAug. 2015Corneal sensitivity after small incision lenticule extraction and laser in situ keratomileusis.Journal of Cataract & Refractive SurgeryReinstein DZ, Archer TJ, Gobbe M, Bartoli EApr. 2015Dry eye disease after refractive surgery: comparative outcomes of small incision lenticule extraction versus LASIK.OphthalmologieDenoyer A, Landman E, Trinh L, Faure JF, Auclin F, Baudouin CApr. 2015Central corneal sensitivity after small incision lenticule extraction versus femtosecond laser-assisted LASIK for myopia: a meta-analysis of comparative studies.BioMed Central OphthalmologyHe M, Huang W, Zhong X
JahrTitelLinkZeitschriftVerfasserApr. 2019Corneal re-innervation following refractive surgery treatments.Neural Regeneration ResearchBandeira F, Yusoff NZ, Yam GH, Mehta JSSep. 2015Fellow eye comparison of nerve fiber regeneration after SMILE and femtosecond laser-assisted LASIK: a confocal microscopy study.Journal of Refractive SurgeryAğca A, Çankaya KI, Yılmaz I, Yıldırım Y, Yaşa D, Ölçücü O, Demircan A, Demirok A, Yılmaz ÖFJul. 2015Corneal regeneration after femtosecond laser small incision lenticule extraction: a prospective study.Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental OphthalmologyLiu M, Zhang T, Zhou Y, Sun Y, Wang D, Zheng H, Lui QJan. 2015Influence of femtosecond lenticule extraction and small incision lenticule extraction on corneal nerve density and ocular surface: a 1-year prospective, confocal, microscopic study.Journal of Refractive SurgeryIshii R, Shimizu K, Igarashi A, Kobashi H, Kamiya K
JahrTitelLinkZeitschriftVerfasserAug. 2019Changes in corneal biomechanics during small-incision lenticule extraction (SMILE) and femtosecond-assisted laser in situ keratomileusis (FS-LASIK).Lasers in Medical ScienceCao K, Liu T, Yu T, Chen F, Bai J, Liu TAug. 2019Corneal biomechanical properties after SMILE versus FLEX, LASIK, LASEK, or PRK: a systematic review and meta-analysis.BMC OphthalmologyGuo H, Hosseini-Moghaddam SM, Hodge WMai 2019Biomechanics of LASIK flap and SMILE cap: a prospective, clinical study.Journal of Refractive SurgeryKhamar P, Shetty R, Vaishnav R, Francis M, Nuijts RMMA, Sinha Roy AMär. 2019Comparison of corneal biomechanical changes after refractive surgery by noncontact tonometry: small-incision lenticule extraction versus flap-based refractive surgery - a systematic review.Acta OphthalmologicaRaevdal P, Grauslund J, Vestergaard AHJul. 2018Review of corneal biomechanical properties following LASIK and SMILE for myopia and myopic astigmatism.The Open Ophthalmology JournalDamgaard IB, Reffat M, Hjortdal JJun. 2018Biomechanical properties of human cornea tested by two-dimensional extensiometry ex vivo in fellow eyes: femtosecond laser-assisted LASIK versus SMILE.Journal of Refractive SurgerySpiru B, Kling S, Hafezi F, Sekundo WMär. 2018Corneal biomechanics after laser refractive surgery: unmasking differences between techniques.Journal of Cataract & Refractive SurgeryFernández J, Rodríguez-Vallejo M, Martínez J, Tauste A, Piñero DPNov. 2017Corneal biomechanical changes and tissue remodelling after SMILE and LASIK.Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual ScienceShetty R, Francis M, Shroff R, Pahuja N, Khamar P, Girrish M, Nuijts R, Roy ASJul. 2017Contralateral eye comparison of SMILE and flap-based corneal refractive surgery: computational analysis of biomechanical impact.Journal of Refractive SurgerySeven I, Vahdati A, Pedersen IB, Vestergaard A, Hjortdal J, Roberts CJ, Dupps WJ JrJun. 2017New parameters for evaluating corneal biomechanics and IOP after SMILE by Scheimpflug-based dynamic tonometry.Journal of Cataract & Refractive SurgeryFernández J, Rodríguez-Vallejo M, Martínez J, Tauste A, Salvestrini P, Piñero DPDez. 2016Corneal biomechanics after small-incision lenticule extraction versus Q-value-guided femtosecond laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis.Journal of Current OphthalmologyZhang J, Zheng L, Zhao X, Xu Y, Chen SNov. 2016Comparison of biomechanical effects of SMILE and LASEK.Acta OphthalmologicaChen M, Yu M, Dai JJul. 2016Corneal biomechanical changes in eyes with SMILE and LASIK.BioMed Central OpthalmologyOsman IM, Helaly HA, Abdalla M, Shousha MANov. 2015Comparison of corneal biomechanical charateristics after surface ablation refractive surgery and novel lamellar refractive surgery.CorneaDou R, Wang Y, Xu L, Wu D, Wu W, Li X
JahrTitelLinkZeitschriftVerfasserJan. 2019Effect of corneal curvature on optical zone decentration and its impact on astigmatism and higher-order aberrations in SMILE and LASIK.Graefes Archive for Clinical and Experimental OphthalmologyChan TCY, Wan KH, Kang DSY, Tso THK, Cheng GPM, Wang YNov. 2018Corneal HOA of the anterior surface, posterior surface, and total cornea after SMILE: high myopia versus mild to moderate myopia.BioMed Central OphthalmologyJin HY, Wan T, Yu XN, Wu F, Yao KJun. 2018Comparing corneal higher-order-abberations in corneal wavefront-guided transepithelial photorefractive keratectomy versus small-incision lenticule extraction.Journal of Cataract & Refractive SurgeryLee H, Yong Kang DS, Reinstein DZ, Arba-Mosquera S, Kim EK, Seo KY, Kim TIMai 2018Relationship between decentration and induced corneal HOAs following SMILE procedure.Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual ScienceLee H, Roberts CJ, Arba-Mosquera S, Kang DSY, Reinstein DZ, Kim TISep. 2017Corneal spherical aberration and corneal asphericity after SMILE and FS-LASIK.Journal of OphthalmologyZhang H, Wang Y, Li HMär. 2017Impact of treatment decentration on higher-order aberrations after SMILE.Journal of OphthalmologyYu Y, Zhang WW, Cheng XL, Cai JR, Chen HJul. 2017Comparison of visual results and higher-order aberrations after SMILE: high myopia vs. mild to moderate myopia.BioMed Central OphthalmologyJin HY, Wan T, Wu F, Yao KAug. 2016Simulated night vision after small incision lenticule extraction.Journal of Cataract & Refractive SurgeryAng M, Farook M, Htoon HM, Tan D, Mehta JSSep. 2015Statistical characteristics of aberrations of human eyes after small incision lenticule extraction surgery and analysis of visual performance with individual eye model.Applied OpticsLou Q, Wang Y, Wang Z, Liu Y, Zhang L, Fang HSep. 2015Aberration compensation between anterior and posterior corneal surfaces after small incision lenticule extraction and femtosecond laser assisted laser in-situ keratomileusis.Ophthalmic & Physiological OpticsLi X, Wang Y, Dou RApr. 2015Comparison of corneal shape changes and aberrations induced by FS-LASIK and SMILE for myopia.Journal of Refractive SurgeryGyldenkerne A, Ivarsen A, Hjortdal JMär. 2015Postoperative ocular higher-order aberrations and contrast sensitivity: femtosecond lenticule extraction versus pseudo small incision lenticule extraction.Journal of Cataract & Refractive SurgeryTan DK, Tay WT, Chan C, Tan DT, Mehta JS
JahrTitelLinkZeitschriftVerfasserSep. 2018Uncorrected visual acuity, postoperative astigmatism, and dry eye symptoms are major determinants of patient satisfaction: a comparative, real-life study of femtosecond laser in situ keratomileusis and small incision lenticule extraction for myopia.Clinical OphthalmologyPietilä J, Huhtala A, Mäkinen P, Nättinen J, Rajala T, Salmenhaara K, Uusitalo HFeb. 2018Intraoperative patient experience and postoperative visual quality after SMILE and LASIK in a randomized, paired-eye, controlled study.Journal of Refractive SurgeryDamgaard IB, Ang M, Farook MZ, Htoon HM, Mehta JSJul. 2017Matched population comparison of visual outcomes and patient satisfaction between 3 modalities for the correction of low to moderate myopic astigmatism.Clinical OphthalmologyGanesh S, Brar S, Pawar A
JahrTitelLinkZeitschriftVerfasserFeb. 2018Early clinical outcomes after SMILE.Contact Lens & Anterior EyeRecchioni A, Hartwig A, Dermott J, Vaswani S, Bhatt J, Morris R, O'Donnell CSep. 2017Effect of the learning curve on visual and refractive outcomes of SMILE.CorneaChan TCY, Ng ALK, Cheng GPM, Woo VCP, Zhang J, Wang Y, Jhanhi V
JahrTitelLinkZeitschriftVerfasserNov. 2019Influence of Extrinsic and Intrinsic Parameters on Myopic Correction in Small Incision Lenticule Extraction.Journal of Refractive SurgeryArba-Mosquera S, Kang DYS, Luger MHA, Taneri SSep. 2019Astigmatism Correction Using Small Incision Lenticule Extraction.Asia-Pacific Journal of OphthalmologyChow SSW, Chow LLW, Lee CZ, Chan TCYJul. 2019Small incision lenticule extraction for the correction of high myopia.European Journal of OphthalmologyTaneri S, Kießler S, Rost A, Schultz T, Dick HBJul. 2019Decentration following femtosecond laser small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE) in eyes with high astigmatism and its impact on visual quality.BMC OphthalmologyHuang J, Zhou X, Qian YJun. 2019Comprehensive evaluation of total corneal refractive power by ray tracing in predicting corneal power in eyes after SMILE.PLOS OnePan C, Tan W, Hua Y, Lei XMär. 2019Correction of myopic astigmatism by small incision lenticule extraction: does laterality matter?Lasers in Medical ScienceYıldız BK, Ürdem U, Goksel Ulas M, Yıldırım Y, Ağca A, Fazıl K, Aygit ED, Taskapili M, Demirok AJan. 2019Influence of preoperative astigmatism type and magnitude on the effectiveness of SMILE correction.Journal of Refractive SurgeryPérez-Izquierdo R, Rodríguez-Vallejo M, Matamoros A, Martínez J, Garzón N, Poyales F, Fernández JJan. 2019Small-incision lenticule extraction for the correction of myopic astigmatism.Journal of Cataract & Refractive SurgeryTaneri S, Kießler S, Rost A, Schultz T, Dick HBOkt. 2018Visual and refractive outcomes of SMILE in high myopia: 5-year results.Journal of OphthalmologyAğca A, Aygün B, Yaşa D, Yıldırım Y, Yıldız B, and Demirok ASep. 2018Correction of astigmatism with small-incision lenticule extraction: impact of against-the-rule and with-the-rule astigmatism.Journal of Cataract & Refractive SurgeryIvarsen A, Gyldenkerne A, Hjortdal JJul. 2018Vector analysis of high (≥3D) astigmatism correction using SMILE and LASIK.Journal of Cataract & Refractive SurgeryChan TCY, Wang Y, Ng ALK, Zhang J, Yu MCY, Jhanji V, Cheng GPMMai 2018Early visual outcomes and optical quality after femtosecond laser SMILE for myopia and myopic astigmatism correction of over -10 dioptres.Acta OphthalmologicaQin B, Li M, Chen X, Sekundo W, Zhou XNov. 2017Determining total corneal power after SMILE in myopic eyes.Journal of Cataract & Refractive SurgeryWei P, Wang Y, Chan TCY, Ng ALK, Cheng GPM, Jhanji VApr. 2017Visual and refractive outcomes of SMILE in mild, moderate, and high myopia: six-month results.Journal of Cataract & Refractive SurgeryTorky MA, Alzafiri YAJun. 2015One-year outcomes of small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE): mild to moderate myopia vs. high myopia.BioMed Central OphthalmologyKim JR, Kim BK, Mun SJ, Chung YT, Kim HSMai 2015Anterior and posterior corneal astigmatism after refractive lenticule extraction for myopic astigmatism.Journal of OphthalmologyKamiya K, Shimizu K, Yamagishi M, Igarashi A, Kobashi H
JahrTitelLinkZeitschriftVerfasserOkt. 2019Determinants of subjective patient-reported quality of vision after small-incision lenticule extraction.Journal of Cataract & Refractive SurgerySchmelter V, Dirisamer M, Siedlecki J, Shajari M, Kreutzer TC, Mayer WJ, Priglinger SG, Luft NJan. 2019Optical and visual quality after small-incision lenticule extraction.Journal of Cataract & Refractive SurgeryGyldenkerne A, Ivarsen A, Hjortdal JSep. 2018Early recovery of quality of vision and optical performance after refractive surgery: small-incision lenticule extraction versus laser in situ keratomileusis.Journal of Cataract & Refractive SurgeryChiche A, Trinh L, Saada O, Faure JF, Auclin F, Baudouin C, Denoyer AJul. 2018Impact of a displaced corneal apex in small incision lenticule extraction.Journal of Refractive SurgerySteinwender G, Shajari M, Mayer WJ, Kook D, Ardjomand N, Vidic B, Kohnen T, Wedrich AFeb. 2018Interface healing and its correlation with visual recovery and quality of vision following SMILE.Indian Journal of OpthalmologyGanseh S, Brar S, Pandey R, Pawar AJun. 2017SMILE for correction of myopia and myopic astigmatism: first 24-hour outcomes.Journal of OphthalmologyLiu TX, Dan T, Luo YMär. 2017Corneal clarity and visual outcomes after SMILE and comparison to FS-LASIK.Journal of OphthalmologyLazaridis A, Droutsas K, Sekundo W, Petrak M, Schulze SDez. 2016Intra-operative cap repositioning in SMILE for enhanced visual recovery.Current Eye ResearchShetty R, Shroff R, Kaweri L, Jayadev C, Kummelil MK, Sinha Roy ANov. 2016Comparison of the optical quality between SMILE and Femto-LASIK.Journal of OphthalmologyJin Y, Wang Y, Xu LL, Zuo T, Li H, Dou R, Zhang JM
JahrTitelLinkZeitschriftVerfasserJul. 2019Clinical outcomes of small incision lenticule extraction versus advanced surface ablation in low myopia.European Journal of OphthalmologyTaneri S, Kießler S, Rost A, Schultz T, Dick HBMär. 2019Comparative study of wave-front aberration and corneal asphericity after SMILE and LASEK for myopia: a short and long term study.BMC OphthalmologyYu M, Chen M, Liu W, Dai JJun. 2018Comparing corneal HOAs in corneal wavefront-guided transepithelial PRK vs SMILE.Journal of Cataract & Refractive SurgeryLee H, Yong Kang DS, Reinstein DZ, Arba-Mosquera S, Kim EK, Seo KY, Kim TIJun. 2018Comparison of ReLEx SMILE and PRK in terms of visual and refractive outcomes for the correction of low myopia.International Journal of OphthalmologyGanesh S, Brar S, Patel UApr. 2017Visual outcomes after SMILE, LASIK, and LASEK combined with corneal collagen cross-linking for high myopic correction.CorneaHyun S, Lee S, Kim JHSep. 2016Early outcomes after SMILE and PRK for correction of high myopia.Scientific ReportsChan CY, Yu CY, Ng A, Wang Z, Cheng PM, Jhanji V
JahrTitelLinkZeitschriftVerfasserNov. 2019Comparison of FDA-Reported Visual and Refractive Outcomes of the Toric ICL Lens, SMILE, and Topography-Guided LASIK for the Correction of Myopia and Myopic Astigmatism.Journal of Refractive SurgeryMoshirfar M, Somani AN, Motlagh MN, Vaidyanathan U, Sumsion JS, Barnes JR, Ronquillo YC.Okt. 2019Comparing Patient-Reported Outcomes of Laser In Situ Keratomileusis and Small-Incision Lenticule Extraction. A Review.Asia-Pacific Journal of OphthalmologyChiam NPY, Mehta JSSep.–Okt. 2019History and Results; Indications and Contraindications of SMILE Compared With LASIK.Asia-Pacific Journal of OphthalmologyShah RSep. 2019Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Femtosecond LASIK and Small-Incision Lenticule Extraction.OphthalmologieAng M, Farook M, Htoon HM, Mehta JSJul. 2019Comparison of Visual, Refractive and Ocular Surface Outcomes Between Small Incision Lenticule Extraction and Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis for Myopia and Myopic Astigmatism.Ophthalmology and TherapyLau YT, Shih KC, Tse RH, Chan TC, Jhanji VJun. 2019Fourier analysis of corneal irregular astigmatism after SMILE and comparison to FS-LASIK.CorneaSideroudi H, Sekundo W, Kozobolis V, Messerschmidt-Roth A, Lazaridis AApr. 2019Visual and optical quality outcomes of SMILE and FS-LASIK for myopia in the very early phase after surgery.BMC OphthalmologyLiu T, Lu G, Chen K, Kan Q, Bai JMär. 2019Quality of life after refractive surgery: ReLEx SMILe vs. Femto-LASIK.Clinical OphthalmologyKlokova OA, Sakhnov SN, Geydenrikh MS, Damashauskas RONov. 2018Comparison of changes in refractive error and corneal curvature following small-incision lenticule extraction and femtosecond laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis surgery.Indian Journal of OphthalmologyZhang YL, Cao LJ, Chen HW, Xu XH, Li ZN, Liu LNov. 2018Comparison between Q-adjusted LASIK and small-incision lenticule extraction for correction of myopia and myopic astigmatism.Eye & Contact LensEl-Mayah E, Anis M, Salem M, Pinero D, Hosny MOkt. 2018Comparison of effective optical zone after small-incision lenticule extraction and femtosecond laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis for myopia.Journal of Cataract & Refractive SurgeryHou J, Wang Y, Lei Y, Zheng XMai 2018Control-matched comparison of refractive and visual outcomes between SMILE and femtosecond laser-assisted LASIK.Clinical OphthalmologyKataoka T, Nishida T, Murata A, Ito M, Isogai N, Horai R, Kojima T, Yoshida Y, Nakamura TMär. 2018Three-year results of SMILE and wavefront-guided FS-LASIK for correction of high myopia and myopic astigmatism.International Journal of OphthalmologyXia LK, Ma J, Liu HN, Shi C, Huang QMär. 2018Two-years results of SMILE and wavefront-guided LASIK for myopia.Acta OphthalmologicaKobashi H, Kamiya K, Igarashi A, Takahashi M, Shimzu KSep. 2017Clinical outcomes of SMILE versus FS LASIK for myopia: a meta-analysis.International Journal of OphthalmologyYan H, Gong LY, Huang W, Peng YLJun. 2017Vector analysis of astigmatic changes after SMILE and wavefront-guided LASIK.Journal of Cataract & Refractive SurgeryKhalifa MA, Ghoneim AM, Shaheen MS, Piñero DPJul. 2016SMILE versus FS-LASIK for myopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis.PLOS OneShen Z, Shi K, Yu Y, Yu X, Lin Y, Yao KJun. 2016Comparison of the change in posterior corneal elevation (PCE) and corneal biomechanical parameters after SMILE and FS-LASIK for high myopia correction.Contact Lens & Anterior EyeWang BJ, Zhang ZY, Naidu RK, Chu RY, Dai JH, Qu XM, Yu ZQ, Zhou HApr. 2016Comparison of moderate to high astigmatism corrections using wavefront-guided LASIK and SMILE.CorneaZhang J, Wang Y, Chen XApr. 2016Clinical outcomes of SMILE and FS-LASIK used to treat myopia: a meta-analysis.Journal of Refractive SurgeryZhang Y, Shen Q, Jia Y, Zhou D, Zhou J
JahrTitelLinkZeitschriftVerfasserNov. 201910-Year Results of FLEx Refractive Surgery.Journal of Refractive SurgeryBlum M, Kunert KS, Schulze M, Sekundo WOkt. 201910-Year Results of Small Incision Lenticule Extraction.Journal of Refractive SurgeryBlum M, Lauer AS, Kunert KS, Sekundo WOkt. 2019Comparison of Long-term Results with Small Incision Refractive Lenticule Extraction (ReLEX SMILE) vs. Femto-LASIK.Klinische Monatsblätter für AugenheilkundeBreyer DRH, Beckers L, Hagen P, Kaymak H, Klabe K, Auffarth GU, Kretz FTAMai 2019Five-year results of small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE) and femtosecond laser LASIK (FS-LASIK) for myopia.Acta OphthalmologicaLi M, Li M, Chen Y, Miao H, Yang D, Ni K, Zhou XApr. 2019Long-term (5 years) follow-up of small-incision lenticule extraction in mild-to-moderate myopia.Journal of Cataract & Refractive SurgeryAğca A, Tülü B, Yaşa D, Yıldırım Y, Yıldız BK, Demirok AOkt. 2018Visual and refractive outcomes of small-incision lenticule extraction in high myopia: 5-year results.Journal of OphthalmologyAğca A, Çakır İ, Aygün BT, Yaşa D, Yıldırım Y, Yıldız BK, Demirok ASep. 2016Five-year results of small incision lenticule extraction (ReLEx SMILE).The British Journal of OphthalmologyBlum M, Täubig K, Gruhn C, Sekundo W, Kundert KS
JahrTitelLinkZeitschriftVerfasserJul. 2019Visual and refractive outcomes of 100 small incision lenticule extractions (SMILE) in moderate and high myopia: a 24-month follow-up study.Graefes Archive for Clinical and Experimental OphthalmologySánchez-González JM, Alonso-Aliste FApr. 2019Three-year outcomes of small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE) and femtosecond laser-assisted laser in situ keratomileusis (FS-LASIK) for myopia and myopic astigmatism.The British Journal of OphthalmologyHan T, Xu Y, Han X, Zeng L, Shang J, Chen X, Zhou XMär. 2019A multicenter study on early outcomes of Small-Incision Lenticule Extraction for myopia.Scientific ReportsKamiya K, Takahashi M, Nakamura T, Kojima T, Toda I, Kariya MJul. 2018Corneal irregular astigmatism and curvature changes after SMILE: 3-year follow-up.CorneaSideroudi H, Lazaridis A, Messerschmidt-Roth A, Labiris G, Kozobolis V, Sekundo WMär. 2018Three-year results of small incision lenticule extraction and wavefront-guided femtoseond laser-assisted laser in situ keratomileusis for correction of high myopia and myopic astigmatism.International Journal of OphthalmologyXia LK, Ma J, Liu HN, Shi C, Huang QJun. 2017Stromal remodeling and lenticule thickness accuracy in SMILE: one-year results.Journal of Cataract & Refractive SurgeryLuft N, Priglinger SG, Ring MH, Mayer WJ, Mursch-Edlmayr AS, Kreutzer TC, Bolz M, Dirisamer MAug. 2016Four-year observation of predictability and stability of SMILE.BioMed Central OphthalmologyHan T, Zheng K, Chen YJ, Gao Y, He L, Zhou XJan. 2015Vector analysis of low to moderate astigmatism with small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE): results of a 1-year follow-up.BioMed Central OphthalmologyZhang J, Wang Y, Wu W, Xu L, Li X, Dou R
JahrTitelLinkZeitschriftVerfasserDez. 2018Retrospective observational study of micro-monovision small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE) for the correction of presbyopia and myopia.Medicine (Baltimore)Kim JS, Ra H, Rho CRMai 2018Small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE) monovision for presbyopia correction.European Journal of OphthalmologyLuft N, Siedlecki J, Sekundo W, Wertheimer C, Kreutzer TC, Mayer WJ, Priglinger SG, Dirisamer MMai 2018Safety and satisfaction of myopic SMILE combined with monovision.BioMed Central OphthalmologyFu D, Zeng L, Zhao J, Miao H, Yu Z, Zhou X
JahrTitelLinkZeitschriftVerfasserMai 2019Contralateral eye comparison between 2 cap thicknesses in Small Incision Lenticule Extraction: 110 versus 130 μm.CorneaWu F, Yin H, Yang YMär. 2019Adjustment of spherical equivalent correction according to cap thickness for myopic SMILE.Journal of Refractive SurgeryLee H, Kang D, Reinstein D, Roberts CJ, Ambrósio R, Archer T, Jean S, Kim E, Seo K, Jun I, Kim TJun. 2018Corneal cap thickness and its effect on visual acuity and corneal biomechanics in eyes undergoing SMILE.Journal of OphthalmologyLiu T, Yu T, Liu L, Chen K, Bai JApr. 2018Refractive correction and biomechanical strength following SMILE with a 110- or 160- μm cap thickness, evaluated ex vivo by inflation test.Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual ScienceDamgaard IB, Ivarsen A, Hjortdal JJan. 2018Evaluation of human corneal lenticule quality after SMILE with different cap thicknesses using scanning electron microscopy.CorneaWeng S, Liu M, Yang X, Liu F, Zhou Y, Lin H, Liu QOkt. 2016Comparison of 120- and 140-μm SMILE cap thickness results in eyes with thick corneas.CorneaLiu M, Zhou Y, Wu X, Ye T, Liu QOkt. 2015Contralateral eye comparison between femtosecond small-incision intrastromal lenticule extraction at depths of 100 and 160 μm.CorneaEl-Massry AA, Goweida MB, Shama Ael-S, Elkhawaga MH, Abdalla MFSep. 2015SMILE procedures with four different cap thicknesses for the correction of myopia and myopic astigmatism.Journal of Refractive SurgeryGüell JL, Verdaguer P, Mateu-Figueras G, Elies D, Gris O, El Husseiny MA, Manero F, Morral M
JahrTitelLinkZeitschriftVerfasserJan. 2019Lenticule thickness accuracy and influence in predictability and stability for different refractive errors after SMILE in Chinese myopic eyes.Current Eye ResearchWang D, Li Y, Sun M, Guo N, Zhang FNov. 2018Predictability of the achieved lenticule thickness in small incision lenticule extraction for myopia correction.Eye & Contact LensZhou J, Zhang Y, Li M, Sun L, Zhou XJul. 2018Variation of lenticule thickness for SMILE in low myopia.Journal of Refractive SurgerySiedlecki J, Luft N, Keidel L, Mayer WJ, Kreutzer T, Priglinger SG, Archer TJ, Reinstein DZ, Dirisamer MNov. 2017Effect of cap-lenticule diameter difference (CLDD) on the visual outcome and higher-order aberrations in SMILE: 0.4 mm versus 1.0 mm.Journal of OphthalmologyAcar BT, Acar S
JahrTitelLinkZeitschriftVerfasserApr. 2019Functional optical zone and centration following SMILE and LASIK: a prospective, randomized, contralateral eye study.Journal of Refractive SurgeryDamgaard IB, Ang M, Mahmoud AM, Farook M, Roberts CJ, Mehta JSSep. 2018Functional optical zone after small-incision lenticule extraction as stratified by attempted correction and optical zone.CorneaFu D, Wang L, Zhou X, Yu ZSep. 2015Optical zone centration accuracy using corneal fixation-based SMILE compared to eye tracker based femtosecond laser-assisted LASIK for myopia.Journal of Refractive SurgeryReinstein DZ, Gobbe M, Gobbe L, Archer TJ, Carp GIAug. 2015Corneal power distribution and functional optical zone following small incision lenticule extraction for myopia.Journal of Refractive SurgeryQian Y, Huang J, Zhou X, Hanna RBApr. 2015Decentration of optical zone center and its impact on visual outcomes following SMILE.CorneaLiu M, Sun Y, Wang D, Zhang T, Zhou Y, Zheng H, Liu Q
JahrTitelLinkZeitschriftVerfasserMai 2017Comparison of corneal biomechanics after microincision lenticule extraction (MILE) and SMILE.The British Journal of OphthalmologyWu Z, Wang Y, Zhang J, Chan TCY, Ng ALK, Cheng GPM, Jhanji V
JahrTitelLinkZeitschriftVerfasserMai 2019SMILE with low energy levels: assessment of early visual and optical quality recovery.Journal of Refractive SurgeryDonate R, Thaëron RJan. 2018Energy setting and visual outcomes in SMILE: a retrospective cohort study.Journal of Refractive SurgeryLi L, Schallhorn JM, Ma J, Cui T, Wang YSep. 2017Effect of lowering laser energy on the surface roughness of human corneal lenticules in SMILE.Journal of Refractive SurgeryJi YW, Kim M, Kang DSY, Reinstein DZ, Archer TJ, Choi JY, Kim EK, Lee HK, Seo KY, Kim TIJul. 2017Lower laser energy levels lead to better visual recovery after SMILE: prospective randomized clinical trial.American Journal of OphthalmologyJi YW, Kim M, Kang DSY, Reinstein DZ, Archer TJ, Choi JY, Kim EK, Lee HK, Seo KY, Kim TIOkt. 2015Effect of femtosecond laser setting on visual performance after small incision lenticule extraction for myopia.The British Journal of OpthalmologyKamiya K, Shimizu K, Igarashi A, Kobashi H
JahrTitelLinkZeitschriftVerfasserMai 2019Flushing versus not flushing the interface during SMILE.Journal of Cataract and Refractive SurgeryKind R, Kiraly L, Taneri S, Troeber L, Wiltfang R, Bechmann M, Meyer B, Greene B, Sekundo WMär. 2017SMILE rescue: delayed lenticule removal in a patient with high myopia.Journal of Refractive SurgeryTong JY, Cherepanoff S, Males JJ
Verbesserung von SMILE
JahrTitelLinkZeitschriftVerfasserSep. 2019Enhancement Options After Myopic Small-Incision Lenticule Extraction (SMILE): A Review.Asia-Pacific Journal of OphthalmologySiedlecki J, Luft N, Priglinger SG, Dirisamer MJan. 2019CIRCLE software for the management of retained lenticule tissue following complicated SMILE surgery.Journal of Refractive SurgeryGanesh S, Brar S, K V MMai 2019Surface Ablation versus CIRCLE for myopic enhancement after SMILE: a matched comparative study.Journal of Refractive SurgerySiedlecki J, Siedlecki M, Luft N, Kook D, Meyer B, Bechmann M, Wiltfang R, Sekundo W, Priglinger SG, Dirisamer MMai 2018CIRCLE enhancement after myopic SMILE.Journal of Refractive SurgerySiedlecki J, Luft N, Mayer WJ, Siedlecki M, Kook D, Meyer B, Bechmann M, Wiltfang R, Priglinger SG, Dirisamer MAug. 2017Enhancement after SMILE using surface ablation.Journal of Refractive SurgerySiedlecki J, Luft N, Kook D, Wertheimer C, Mayer WJ, Bechmann M, Wiltfang R, Priglinger SG, Sekundo W, Dirisamer MJun. 2017Enhancement after SMILE: incidence, risk factors, and outcomes.OphthalmologieLiu YC, Rosman M, Mehta JS
JahrTitelLinkZeitschriftVerfasserOkt. 2019Corneal Ectasia Risk And Percentage Tissue Altered In Myopic Patients Presenting For Refractive Surgery.Clinical OphthalmologyOng HS, Farook M, Tan BBC, Williams GP, Santhiago MR, Mehta JSMär. 2019Postoperative corneal complications in SMILE: long-term study.Journal of Refractive SurgeryWang Y, Ma J, Zhang L, Zou H, Li J, Zhang Y, Jhanji VFeb. 2019SMILE intraoperative complications: incidence and management.International Journal of OphthalmologyHamed A, Heikal M, Soliman T, Daifalla A, Said-Ahmed KAug. 2018Possible risk factors and clinical outcomes of black areas in SMILE.CorneaMa J, Wang Y, Chan TCYJul. 2018A review of small incision lenticule extraction complications.Current Opinion in OphthalmologyKrueger RR, Meister CSSep. 2017Case of presumed transient light-sensitivity syndrome (TLSS) after SMILE.CorneaDesautels JD, Moshirfar M, Quist TS, Skanchy DF, Hoopes PCSep. 2017Ectasia following small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE): a review of the literature.Clinical OphthalmologyMoshirfar M, Albarracin JC, Desautels JD, Birdsong OC, Linn SH, Hoopes PC Sr (USA)Jul. 2017Risk profiles of ectasia after keratorefractive surgery.Current Opinion in OphthalmologyGiri P, Azar DT (USA)Apr. 2017Comparison of immediate small incision lenticule extraction after suction loss with uneventful small incision lenticule extraction.Journal of Cataract & Refractive SurgeryPark JH, Koo HJMär. 2017Corneal densitometry changes in a patient with interface fluid syndrome after SMILE.BioMed Central OphthalmologyZheng K, Han T, Li M, Han Y, Xu Y, Shah R, Zhou XTJun. 2017Incidence and management of intraoperative complications during SMILE in 3004 cases.Journal of Cataract & Refractive SurgeryWang Y, Ma JN, Zhang JM, Dou R, Hui Zhang H, Li LY, Zhao W, Wei PHNov. 2016Shifting “ectasia”: interface fluid collection after SMILE.Journal of Refractive SurgeryBansal AK, Murthy SI, Maaz SM, Sachdev MSJul. 2016Bilateral ectasia after femtosecond laser-assisted SMILE (case report).Journal of Refractive SurgeryMattila JS, Holopainen JMFeb. 2016Suction loss during femtosecond laser-assisted SMILE: incidence and analysis of risk factors.Journal of Cataract & Refractive SurgeryOsman IM, Awad R, Shi W, Abou Shousha MMai 2015Corneal ectasia 6.5 months after small incision lenticule extraction.Journal of Cataract & Refractive SurgeryWang Y, Cui C, Li Z, Tao X, Zhang C, Zhang X, Mu GApr. 2014Safety and complications of more than 1500 small incision lenticule extraction procedures.OphthalmologieIvarsen A, Asp S, Hjortdal J
JahrTitelLinkZeitschriftVerfasserFeb. 2020Pressure-Induced Interlamellar Stromal Keratitis After Small-Incision Lenticule Extraction Procedure: A Case Report.CorneaMoshirfar M, Somani AN, Vaidyanathan U, Ronquillo YC, Hoopes PCNov. 2018Incidence and outcomes of sterile multifocal inflammatory keratitis and diffuse lamellar keratitis after SMILE.Journal of Refractive SurgeryReinstein DZ, Stuart AJ, Vida RS, Archer TJ, Carp GIJun. 2018Atypical presentation of diffuse lamellar keratitis after small-incision lenticule extraction: sterile multifocal inflammatory keratitis.Journal of Cataract & Refractive SurgeryStuart A, Reinstein DZ, Vida RS, Archer TJ, Carp GFeb. 2015Diffuse lamellar keratitis after small incision lenticule extraction.Journal of Cataract & Refractive SurgeryZhao J, He L, Yao P, Shen Y, Zhou Z, Miao H, Wang X, Zhou X