Marie's Story

A traineeship that makes sense

Marie's Story

A traineeship that makes sense

Marie wants to feel a sense of purpose when she opens her laptop in the morning. She doesn't want to wear herself out on projects that will be shelved anyway. And the company she works for needs to be human-centered.

Marie's employer must have a purpose – something she's been sure of since she was a university student. "Each of us has some kind of purpose for existence – and the same goes for companies too. And it has to be the right one so I can give it my all every day," she says.

So she started her search after she completed her Master in International Business at the Wiesbaden Business School. The company she was looking for had to be the right fit. As a practical economist, she has a broad base: from marketing to sales, she feels comfortable in all areas. Instead of checking impersonal job portals and job offers promising anything and everything, she browsed websites of companies that had piqued her interest.

"Social engagement, foundation company and exciting products – when I reached 'Z' in my list, I knew: this is where I want to give my best every day." And this is what she was able to do. In the Global Graduate Program (GGP), the trainee program at ZEISS.

Social engagement, foundation company and exciting products – when I reached 'Z' in my list, I knew: this is where I want to give my best every day.

Social engagement, foundation company and exciting products – when I reached 'Z' in my list, I knew: this is where I want to give my best every day.

Each project serves a purpose

It made sense to Marie to opt for a trainee program after her studies. "It was really important for me to be able to see different areas and fields of work in a company. Because if you understand how marketing works in one area, you can better comprehend sales strategies – and vice versa." That's exactly what the Global Graduate Program offered her. She determined her assignments together with her supervisor and was able to move exactly in the direction in which she wanted.

One of Marie's first projects was supporting the global sales units in ophthalmic optics with standardized projects intended to optimize her sales activities. "This had me collaborate with colleagues from different countries and cultures – from Italy to China. Each day there was something different on my agenda, so I really learned a lot – having been given responsibility right from the start." The fact that she rotated to another project after a certain time made the GGP so exciting for her. "I love the challenge of tackling new tasks, new projects. Sure, you have to get out of your comfort zone every time – but that's what makes life interesting."

A portfolio she benefited from

But the variety within the trainee program wasn't the only decisive factor for her. Marie wouldn't be Marie if she hadn't already thought about her long-term development when she chose her employer. "Currently I'm in ophthalmic optics and it's really exciting because of the close contact I have with the end customer. But at ZEISS, you also have the option to switch to other areas at some point. From innovative solutions in medical technology to camera equipment or industrial measuring machines – ZEISS' portfolio is so big that there are so many opportunities in different markets, in exactly the company I want to be in." A company with a purpose.

Marie is always ready for the next challenge. That’s when she comes out of her comfort zone - and that’s exactly why she is so excited about the ZEISS Global Graduate Program.

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