
How to move scanned data on the ZEISS CIRRUS OCT

15 November 2020 · 2 min watch


Spectral-domain OCT is the standard-of-care in routine every day clinical practice. ZEISS offers clinicians a full spectrum of OCT models – CIRRUS 6000®, CIRRUS 5000® and CIRRUS 500® – that deliver essential to the most advanced imaging solutions and are catered to meet individual needs and challenges


How to move scanned data on the ZEISS CIRRUS OCT

Learn step-by-step how to move an incorrectly stored scan to a different patient file using the 'move scan' feature on the CIRRUS OCT.

  • Content and how to guides can be applied to CIRRUS models 5000 and 6000. Please always refer to your device model User Instruction Manual for further instructions.

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