ZEISS AI Sample Finder Reduce Your Time to Experiment From Minutes to Just Seconds
Microscopes are becoming increasingly automated. However, sample placement, focus adjustment and identification of the relevant sample areas still require manual adjustments. ZEISS AI Sample Finder automates this sequence entirely. After just seconds, you can access all sample areas directly and start your experiment right away.
Here Is How AI Sample Finder Works

Overview image provided by AI Sample Finder, showing fluorescence, darkfield composite contrast, and a combination of fluorescence and coherence contrast (from left to right).
Overview image provided by AI Sample Finder, showing fluorescence, darkfield composite contrast, and a combination of fluorescence and coherence contrast (from left to right). Sample courtesy of M. Schmidt, Institute of Anatomy, Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus, Germany
See Your Entire Sample – Speed Up Your Microscopy Workflows
A good overview image is the foundation for a detailed analysis. AI Sample Finder enables you to see your entire sample with unmatched speed and ease of use. Forget about assignment issues after image acquisition. You will always know in which sample region your experiment was conducted and how the surrounding environment looked like. With ZEN Connect you can visualize to your data in a higher context combining different imaging modalities.