Dynamic visual behaviour research

The latest innovation in ophthalmic lenses.

We understand that you need to offer customer-centric services and solutions.  But ZEISS can actually make your life a little easier. We consistently invest in wearer studies and vision research, allowing us to produce products that are practical, in-demand, and meet the needs of your customers.

  • The evolution of technology and visual behaviour
  • The latest updates in lens design: Big data, Intelligence Augmentation and more

How technology has changed our lives

Rapid digitalisation impacts life all over the world. Both young and old people are using multiple screens more often, and we have moved into the "phygital age" where consumers can seamlessly live, work, shop and play in person and online.1

The evolution of visual behaviour

Our lives have changed drastically over the past few years, affecting things like visual behaviour and digital device usage. At ZEISS, we make sure that our lens designs can keep up. In these two videos Dr Christian Lappe, a ZEISS Vision Care scientist, gives an overview of some fascinating vision studies, as well as the latest findings around visual challenges in a fast-paced, digitally-immersive world.

Dynamic visual behaviour in a digitally-immersive world.

Compared to other senses, our world has shifted towards the visual.
The relative share of information gained from visual input is around 80% for an average person2. Vision is crucial, and the majority of our cognitive brainload is allocated to visual information processing.

This major shift has lead to changes in visual behaviour. But our visual behaviour is not just a response to changes in anatomy and physiology – it reflects our participation in the world around us and thus adaptation is key.

The 3 insights on dynamic visual behaviour

every eye care professional should know.

  • Fact 1: Different ways of using devices

    People of all ages are using digital devices for longer on a daily basis, while less time is spent with other people simultaneously. But studies show that the duration of digital device usage is different between age groups, accelerated by global disruptive changes1.

  • Fact 2: People misjudge their digital device usage.

    The ZEISS study revealed that self-assessments of mobile usage were much higher than objective on-screen measurements2. This led to the conclusion that mobile phone use is a combination of real viewing and interaction with digital screens, as well as dynamic vision across a space with the intention of using the phone.

  • Fact 3: Oculomotoric behaviour and visual habits.

    The term "oculomotoric" refers to the rather complex interplay of the anatomy, physiology, vision motor control and visual behaviour of a person. How you see is not only affected by the specific visual target and task, but also by visual habits learnt over time to overcome certain visual challenges and/or adapt to specific needs. For an existing spectacle wearer, the habitual lens type is an important indicator of possible visual habits and therefore the acquired visual behavior.

Intelligence Augmentation: Sorting through 12.5 million data points

The latest mobile technology was used to collect and retrieve data  on people's dynamic vision for our specialised global vision study2. Intelligence Augmentation (IA) was then used to assess, categorise and group the collected data points.
The study also identified deviations between ocular age and biological age, which was considered in potential lens solutions.

#ExpertTalk: Lens design meets intelligence augmentation

AI. IA. Big data? All these terms can be confusing, we know. Join Dr Philipp Jester, Head of Lens Design Solutions at ZEISS Vision Care, as he explains how big data, data science and IA are used in the latest ZEISS lens revolution.

The new ZEISS lens optimisation algorithm

Intelligence augmentation means that technology supports and complements human performance. So, the human is at the core of the system, assisted by technology. We have executed an extensive field study to collect heaps of objective data sets representing people's visual demands2. To process more than 12 Mio data points we had to rely on big data tools to cluster and evaluate the data to extract the relevant information. Factors like habituation, posture, occupation, distances and angles, as well as the need to see clearly in different situations differ between individuals, and especially between age groups.

The new ZEISS lens optimisation algorithm is able to calculate different lenses for these very specific visual demands. This is where the new ZEISS Intelligence Augmented Design technology comes into play. For a ZEISS SmartLife Individual 3 lens the IAD algorithm morphs the designs to the specific visual demands we got from the study results.

Need more information?

The latest scientific findings and ZEISS study results on visual behaviour are incorporated in ZEISS SmartLife lenses.

Take an in-depth look at the science behind ZEISS SmartLife Young and SmartLife Individual 3 lenses by reading our white papers.

  • 1

    Euromonitor 2022 Study report

  • 2

    Data on file, Internal Global Vision Study, Carl Zeiss Vision International GmbH, DE 2020-2021.