Journey into the Cellular World
Exploring 3D Live Cell Imaging Techniques
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10 - 10.30 AM
Question & Answer online presentation
Mandatory sample prep session for ZEISS Lattice SIM and ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7
Participation in the presentation is strongly recommended for a successful demo. Receive the link to participate in the online presentation in your confirmation.
9 AM
Dr. Sandra Ritz, Johannes Gutenberg University, Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB), Microscopy Core Facility
Dr. Bastian Hülsmann, Johannes Gutenberg University, Light Microscopy Core Facility (LMCF)
Dr. Christian Backes, ZEISS
9.15 AM
News and views on modern fluorescence microscopy - An overview.
Dr. Sven Poppelreuther, ZEISS9.45 AM
3D Live cell imaging and super-resolution - How does it fit together?
Gert Sonntag, ZEISS10 AM
Coffee Break
11 AM
Artificial Intelligence (AI) based image analysis – How to start with arivis cloud.
Dr. Noemi Castroviejo Jimenez, ZEISS
11.30 AM
12 PM
1 PM
System demonstration á 60 min in small groups
- Gentle super-resolution live cell imaging with ZEISS Lattice SIM 3
- Adaptable automation for advanced workflows with ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7
- Image Analysis with arivis and ZEN including Artifical Intelligence (AI) strategies
Including 30 min coffee break
4.30 PM
After work beer
Hands-on demonstration - Test your own specimen
Register for an individual hands-on demonstration and test your own specimen using the Lattice SIM 3 or Celldiscoverer 7. Participation in the sample preparation presentation is strongly recommended for a successful demonstration.
Choose yourself
Gentle super-resolution live cell imaging with ZEISS Lattice SIM 3
Adaptable automation for advanced workflows with ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7
Image Analysis with arivis and ZEN including Artifical Intelligence (AI) strategies
Analyze your generated imaging data with Lattice SIM 3 or Celldiscoverer 7 in your individual online demonstration. Appointments will be only arranged during Lattice SIM 3 or Celldicoverer 7 demo.
Lattice SIM
Gentle Super-Resolution Live Cell Imaging with Lattice SIM 3
Celldiscoverer 7
Adaptable Automation for Advanced Workflows with ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7
Image Analysis with Arivis and ZEN including Artifical Intelligence (AI) strategies