Grow Personally to Serve Others

David Beckham impressed him, because he was a football star, and the little boy Kush Kashyap from the Himalayan part of North India loved football. However, it was his own father he admired and who influenced him most – A qualified lawyer who preferred to be a farmer, a consequent, honest, hard-working and empathic person who always tried to understand others, never running away from challenges.

Kush grew up in a family that supported each other to grow personally. It is this environment he also finds in his business life at ZEISS, an environment that helps him to take challenges that exceed existing limitations.

Kush Kashyap

Kush made his bachelor in Engineering Information Technology at the Himachal Pradesh University. He always had a passion for IT. As a boy he played computer games for hours and hours, at university he used to sit in front of his laptop to solve problems until the first light in morning came out. Actually, it was his IT knowledge that got him attracted to ZEISS. 

“At the time when I joined ZEISS in 2014, the company was not as well-known in India as the big US brands. ZEISS …who? I had to explain to my parents and friends what kind of company I was joining. I had an idea, because I knew that Nokia phones used ZEISS lenses that made them very special.”

From the first day at ZEISS, Kush felt that he made the right decision to join the company, none of his friends have ever heard before.

He felt like being home, like being part of a family.

“I only had four years of experience, but my team put its full trust in me. My colleagues immediately gave me the feeling that I am good enough, not only to master the routine tasks, but also to take up challenges, I would not have dared to take. My team empowers me every day, and that makes ZEISS very different from what I have experienced so far.”

Kush is encouraged to come up with his own ideas to change things or to solve problems, nobody would have thought of before. And so he did.

Kush Kashyap

First, we sat down together to understand the core of the problem. We needed to understand the business of our colleagues and gain deeper knowledge.

One day Kush was confronted with an internal IT integration problem, that gave colleagues from another department a big headache. There was no existing global solution, and no one could help them so far. Kush also did not have the slightest idea how to technically tackle this problem, but he was determined to get involved and to create something manually, his idea was to create a local solution. His manager supported him in his efforts.

His passion for not letting go until a mission is completed and the encouragement of his colleagues and his manager to consequently do so helped him to help others.

This experience strengthened not only the believe in his own abilities to take care of complex tasks. He is also convinced that the work he and his colleagues do at ZEISS India could help his colleagues globally. It is not the one big bang challenge that changes Kush’s life dramatically at once. At ZEISS, he is constantly confronted with challenges that let him grow continuously to serve others in the best way and to make the most of every day.

Kush Kashyap

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