About Us

We support you in your digital transformation

With our agile teams for product and process excellence.

ZEISS Digital Innovation


Carl Zeiss AG


Dresden, Munich, Berlin, Leipzig, Görlitz, Miskolc (Hungary), Budapest (Hungary)

Management Board

Alfred Mönch, Peter Amend


ISG Study 2021, leader in the field of “Agile Application Development Projects”

ISG Study 2018, leader in the field of Sourcing (under previous company name Saxonia Systems AG)

experton study 2017, leader in the field of Application Services (under previous company name Saxonia Systems AG)

Together with you, we develop individual software solutions and increase the innovative power and technical scalability of your company. Both in our projects and in management, we rely on agile methods. We support pioneering technologies and innovative ideas. We accompany you from the first product idea to software evolution. We continuously develop and support your applications in line with the needs of your respective target group.

We share our know-how – both with you and with professional communities – that’s what we care about! Our experts regularly give talks and lead workshops at different events, organize meetups or publish specialist articles and blog posts on current topics. Moreover, our management systems have been certified to ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 for all sites.

Our Experience in Figures

  • 630+

    Permanent employees
    in Germany and Hungary

  • 30+

    of IT & Software Development

  • 10+

    of agile management

ZEISS Digital Partners

ZEISS Digital Innovation is part of ZEISS Digital Partners.


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