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ISG Provider Lens™ Germany Quadrant Report 2022
ZEISS Digital Innovation again ranks top in the 2022 ISG Provider Lens™ Germany Quadrant Report in the field of Agile Application Development Projects.

The ISG Provider Lens Report “Next-Gen ADM Services Germany” 2022 ranks ZEISS Digital Innovation as a leader in the field of Agile Application Development Projects.
The ISG Provider Lens Report “Next-Gen ADM Services Germany” 2022 ranks ZEISS Digital Innovation as a leader in the field of Agile Application Development Projects.
In October 2022, ZEISS Digital Innovation was again recognized as a Leader in Agile Application Development Projects in the Provider Lens™ Report “Next-Gen ADM Services Germany” by ISG.
The Information Services Group™ (ISG) is a leading global market research and consulting firm in IT. This ISG research report compares the strengths, challenges and competitive advantages of the most important providers in the field of Agile Development in a neutral and independent manner.
Basis for the assessment
For the rating amongst the top quadrant, ISG sees our novel, innovative approach to software development as a central factor: ZEISS Digital Innovation focuses on digital projects creating a synergy effect between external customers and the ZEISS business units.
Moreover, our process-oriented project management with a focus on high-quality software and safety is emphasized. The work with agile and DevOps models as well as well-coordinated, highly qualified teams further add to the reasons for the excellent rating.
ZEISS Digital Innovation adopts an innovative synergy methodology for its projects and as a result achieves clear added value for the customer. During our analyses, we were unable to identify any company so far that has taken a similarly innovative approach to the project as ZEISS Digital Innovation.
What the renewed award means for our customers
Both our internal and external customers from the healthcare sector (medical technology, life science and pharmaceuticals) and industry (semiconductors, automotive and Industry 4.0) benefit from a unique process model that relies on the best possible combination of synergies and innovative power. Highly qualified, well-coordinated teams practice an agile mindset and provide the foundations for speed, sustainability and creativity in the software development processes at ZEISS Digital Innovation.
The ISG Provider Lens™ Report concludes: ZEISS Digital Innovation is driven by its innovative business approach to software development.
The basis for the ISG Provider Lens™ 2022 – Next Gen ADM Services research study is a multi-stage research and evaluation process. This involves analyzing the relevant software and service providers on the German market. Studies conducted as part of the ISG Provider Lens™ program, ongoing ISG research programs, interviews with ISG consultants, discussions with service providers and analyses of publicly available market data from various sources are utilized.Studies conducted as part of the ISG Provider Lens™ program, ongoing ISG research programs, interviews with ISG consultants, discussions with service providers and analyses of publicly available market data from various sources are utilized. The collected data represents up-to-date information as of June 2022. Changes like mergers and acquisitions are not considered in the research study. All revenue figures are in US dollars ($US) unless otherwise stated.
Leaders possess a comprehensive product and service portfolio, innovative power, a strong market presence and an established competitive position. The product portfolios and competitive strategies are well positioned for doing business in the markets covered by the study.
Selection criteria for the study
- The commercial business model focuses on deploying teams for customer-managed application development units. The deliverables are usually measured by the number of team members, user stories delivered, deployment rate/frequency, number of defects, time to market and business related indicators such as shared business outcomes.
- Consideration is given to the ability to deploy many teams to support a customer. Each team has its own goals, costs and SLAs. Providers manage the size of teams, and experts bid according to throughput targets.
- Companies demonstrate specific competencies and skills necessary for the respective teams or projects, for instance programming languages, vendor certifications, data analytics, AI, machine learning, low-code/no-code development, system architecture and optionally CX design and quality assurance.
- The providers can prove their supply capacity. They should not be start-ups or recently founded companies. They provide reference customers and case studies to illustrate the digital products delivered and the product oriented delivery (POD).
- The providers specialize in at least one of the following methods: Scrum, Kanban, XP, Lean Development or Crystal.
- Providers offer optional quality assurance services and product design workshops in areas such as design thinking.
Providers have talent acquisition programs, training programs and knowledge management processes in place and maintain a healthy work environment in order to retain top talent. - Providers stand out by offering business expertise or development accelerators in areas such as CRM, CX, e-commerce, ERP, industry-specific functions, IoT, supply chain management and virtual reality.
Who conducted the analysis?
[Extract from the corporate presentation by the Information Services Group (ISG)]ISG (Information Services Group) (Nasdaq: III) is a leading global technology research and consulting company. As a trusted business partner of more than 800 customers, including more than 75 of the world’s top 100 companies, ISG helps businesses, public sector organizations as well as service and technology providers to achieve operational excellence and faster growth. The company specializes in digital transformation services, including automation, cloud and data analytics, procurement consulting, managed governance and risk services, network operator services, strategy and operations design, change management, market intelligence as well as technology research and analysis. ISG was founded in 2006 and is headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut, employing more than 1,300 digitally-enabled professionals in more than 20 countries. They comprise a global team known for its innovative thinking, market influence, extensive industry and technology expertise as well as world-class research and analysis capabilities using the most comprehensive market data in the industry. (Date: 20/10/2022)
(Source: https://ir.isg-one.com/corporate-profile/default.aspx)
Further information on the study, as well as on the ISG and the methods behind the study, is available here.
Previous ISG awards
Application Services Vendor Benchmark Leader
from the Experton Group (now ISG)
Sourcing Leader
Infrastructure & Application Sourcing Germany
Leader in the field of “Agile Development Specialists”
Next-Gen ADM Services Germany