ZEISS Introduces New Advances in Astigmatism Management and Glaucoma Imaging at American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting
Chicago/USA | Carl Zeiss Meditec AG
ZEISS Announces U.S. launch of Total Keratometry (TK®) for IOLMaster® 700, FDA Approval of Astigmatism indication for SMILE®, and Advanced Nerve and Glaucoma Imaging (A N G I) Network at AAO
The Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) marks ZEISS’ U.S. launch of Total Keratometry (TK®) for IOLMaster® 700, offering cataract surgeons the opportunity to replace assumptions about the posterior corneal surface with precise measurements, which can help improve
outcomes. TK® was developed to be compatible with standard formulas and existing IOL constants, thus allowing surgeons to detect outlier cases with minimal disruptions to existing workflows. The device also includes two new Barrett formulas incorporating the new TK value.
In addition, the company recently announced the FDA approval for ReLEx® SMILE® to expand myopia treatment to patients with astigmatism. SMILE® utilizes the high-precision femtosecond laser VisuMax® to create a lenticule inside the cornea and access incision in a single treatment step. With its outstanding cutting precision and exceptional speed, the minimally invasive VisuMax® is an ideal platform for advanced corneal surgery.
“The expansion of myopia treatment to patients with astigmatism is a significant milestone in refractive technology, enabling current and future SMILE surgeons to expand their patient base, paving the way for a new generation of refractive surgery patients,” says James V. Mazzo, Global President Ophthalmic Devices at Carl Zeiss Meditec.
The technology behind SMILE was recently featured in the Scientific Background on the Nobel Prize in Physics 2018. Dr. Gérard Mourou and Dr. Donna Strickland were awarded the Nobel Prize for their method to generate high- intensity ultrashort optical pulses. It is essential to generate the ultrashort laser pulses of the ZEISS VisuMax femtosecond laser system.
“Procedures and technologies developed by ZEISS such as SMILE help doctors to improve the vision of many people,” says Dr. Ludwin Monz, President and CEO of Carl Zeiss Meditec, “which is why we have secured our intellectual property around it against any infringement.”
Continuing their commitment to meaningful innovation, ZEISS is also introducing the Advanced Nerve and Glaucoma Imaging (A N G I) Network. Led by an independent group of doctors and clinical researchers worldwide in the field of glaucoma, A NG I Network‘s goal is to foster global collaborations to elevate the latest research in Glaucoma and optic nerve diseases. According to NYU Langone Eye Center Director Joel S. Schuman, MD, FACS, “ANGI is the surest way to advance the field, to enhance diagnosis and the assessment of the efficacy of our treatments.”
A N G I Network consists of leading researchers in the fields of Neuro-Ophthalmology and Glaucoma, who use the PLEX® Elite 9000, a powerful Swept-Source OCT providing best-in-class imaging of the eye, from the vitreous to the choroid. PLEX Elite is an exciting cutting-edge technology that has the potential to advance the future of medicine through clinical research by the A N G I Network.
“Collaborating with leading doctors, researchers and practitioners is at the core of our innovation process,” Monz said. “A N G I Network is one of the many ways we partner to help provide technologies and innovations to advance research and discovery to accelerate the development of new clinical applications for disease management.”
ZEISS will showcase its comprehensive portfolio in Booth 3736 at the AAO. For the complete line up of ZEISS educational programs, activities, and events, visit www.zeiss.com/AAO.
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Carl Zeiss Meditec AG
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