Senorics GmbH wins new investor, raises more than 8 million EUR in funding to expand material sensing technology and its commercialization
“In a highly automated world, the need to meet high-quality standards, to develop compact, low-cost solutions such as the one developed by Senorics plays an important role to address new applications in material sensing,” says Gerrit Schulte Head of ZEISS Ventures.
Head of Corporate Brand, Communications and Public Affairs
About Senorics
Senorics GmbH is a high-tech company from Dresden whose technology makes near infrared spectroscopy suitable for the mass market. Using the innovative sensors, ingredients in many solids and liquids, such as food, agricultural products, plastics, textiles, or pharmaceuticals, can be analyzed and quantified with little effort. The powerful sensors are very small but still robust against external influences such as vibrations. As the only supplier worldwide, Senorics can produce handy and cost-effective measuring instruments, aiming to benefit the end-consumer. When using this type of spectroscopy, a sample is irradiated with infrared light. Using an algorithm developed by Senorics, the substances contained can be determined from the wavelengths of the reflected light. The company, which was founded in 2017, is a spin-off of TU Dresden.
About FIDURA Private Equity Fonds
FIDURA is a German group of independent Private Equity Fonds, founded in 2001 by experienced entrepreneurs and capital market specialists. The FIDURA Private Equity Fonds invest in technology companies primarily in German-speaking countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). The focus is on companies that have already successfully completed their seed phase and are entering a growth phase. The fund management accompanies the companies not only as an investor, but also as a coach and sparring partner. In addition, FIDURA Private Equity Fonds are investing in accordance with clear ethical and sustainability criteria.
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About TGFS
The TGFS provides technology-oriented founders with equity capital for the seed and start-up phase. The fund was first set up in 2008 by the Free State of Saxony (including ERDF funding) and Saxon financial institutions and has since supported more than 80 start-ups in what is now the 2nd generation of funds. The total fund volume amounts to M€ 147. Target companies of the TGFS are young, innovative, technology-oriented founders and companies that belong to the sectors ITC, semiconductor and microsystem technology, medical technology, life science, environmental and energy technology as well as new media and have their headquarters or place of business in Saxony.
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