ZEISS circular economy water

New paths, new goals

How circular economy succeeds at ZEISS

Resources in circles

Resources in circles

A sustainable goal

Natural resources are finite. One of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations is therefore to use them sparingly. ZEISS is also committed to this goal – and builds on the circular use of resources, especially in the regions of the world where it is causing water shortages. That is why ZEISS is constantly looking for ways to also use water more efficiently, for example, and thus protect the environment.

3D print

What 3D printers have to do with sustainability

ZEISS continuously puts its production processes to the test – and works to improve them. The result: fewer and fewer resources are needed.

ZEISS improves processes in production

Into the future with retro

New is not always better – at least not for the climate. That is why there are two big questions to ask when purchasing new devices. ZEISS Industrial Quality Solutions has developed a solution for bringing machines in line with the latest technological progress and for conserving resources and lowering carbon emissions at the same time.

ZEISS circular economy water

How ZEISS deals with water scarcity

Water is becoming increasingly scarcer around the world. Especially in arid regions with dry climates. It is therefore all the more important to use it sparingly in these areas and, in fact, anywhere in the world. ZEISS has developed several systems for this purpose – from a collection station for rainwater to recycling.

Dr. Torsten Scheidt
Production Manager in the ZEISS Consumer Products strategic business unit

The future of resource efficiency: ZEISS and the Community of Practice

"We're changing our design methods while shortening production times. We used to need four to six weeks of lead time for processing, but now we only need two days to print a mold. And last but not least, the new process saves us hundreds of thousands of euros every year."

Dr. Torsten Scheidt

Production Manager in the ZEISS Consumer Products strategic business unit

Circular economy from a scientific perspective

Interview with Prof. Joachim Mayer from RWTH Aachen University.