Studying the Winchcombe meteorite. Close-up quantitative EDS map (Fe).
Microscopy Solutions for Natural Resources

Planetary Geology

Delve into Planetary Geology through Advanced Analytical Techniques

Planetary geology involves the study of geological material that originate from celestial objects other than the Earth. These precious rock samples help us to understand the formation and evolution of our solar system and may have fallen to Earth naturally or been collected as human or automated sample return missions. From meteorites to pre-solar grains, the study of extra-terrestrial material requires advanced capabilities using multi-scale, multi-modal correlative analysis.
Microscopic analysis allows scientists to identify and characterize mineral phases, their crystal structures, and chemical compositions, helping to unravel the complexities of planetary materials. Such samples are often obtained in far lower abundance than terrestrial rocks, and therefore a large emphasis is placed on initial non-destructive techniques that maximize quantitative information.

Structural and Chemical Analysis of Meteorites

Microscopy solutions for planetary geology provide data that inform scientists about the variations that can be seen within an extraterrestrial sample and offer a quick determination of the number of different materials that can be found within. Deep learning technologies allow detailed image analysis and segmentation, combining with other data to enable an assessment of processes occurring within our solar system.

Quantitative mineral identification and crystal orientation using deep-learning enhanced X-ray microscopy generate complete 3D characterization of precious samples. Electron microscopy techniques focus on maximizing quantitative analysis from microstructural variations to nanoscale trace element analysis.


  • ZEISS Microscopy Solutions for Geoscience

    Understanding the fundamental processes that shape the universe expressed at the smallest of scales

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  • The building blocks of our solar system

    Studying the Winchcombe meteorite

    3 MB
  • ZEISS Axioscan 7

    Your Unique Automated Petrographic Microscope for Digitization, Quantification and Collaboration

    8 MB

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