RoHS-compliant lead-free brass mechanical parts

Turning RoHS-compliant lead-free brass mechanical parts

We manufacture according to the latest RoHS directives without exemptions. With the help of our efficient high-end machining centers, we can provide you with high-precision, complex mechanical parts at competitive prices. Challenge the creativity and expertise of our staff when it comes to demanding dimensional turning.

  • High-precision components up to IT2
  • Manufacturing according to RoHS guidelines
  • Economical manufacturing even for small batch sizes
  • CNC complete machining with up to 10 axes
Tactile measurement of mechanical components

High-precision fits with excellent surface quality

With our broad wealth of experience in mechanical manufacturing, we produce high-precision components and assemblies with tolerances in the range of a few µm.  Our high-end processes enable the machining of simple and complex rotationally symmetrical mechanical parts – as aprototype or in series production:

  • with part sizes ranging from 10 mm to 750 mm in diameter and
  • with an achievable accuracy class IT2
Flowing chips
Flowing chips

Challenge of flowing chips

With low chip removal, copper-zinc alloys that are free of grinding tend to produce flowing chips that interfere with the turning process. High-precision fits and surfaces are therefore difficult to produce. Our experts have this problem under control: We are able to produce high surface quality and tolerances up to IT 4 even with lead-free brass by turning.

Manufacturing according to RoHS guidelines

Manufacturing according to RoHS guidelines

We already meet the legal requirements without exemption (RoHS exemption 6c). If this exemption expires in 2021, the machining of these materials will already be standard at our company – right up to the production of complete objectives from RoHS-compliant individual parts. A clear competitive edge for our customers.

Economical manufacturing for small batch sizes

Economical manufacturing even for small batch sizes

We always design our processes in such a way that we can offer our customers the desired quality at optimum cost – even when manufacturing small batches. The focus is on minimal setup times, optimal batch sizes, and efficient utilization of the required machines.

Machining center

CNC complete machining with up to 10 axes

Our modern turning/milling machining centers with up to 10 axes enable efficient production from single parts to large-scale production. With extensive measurement technology, we ensure that every part leaves our premises in ZEISS quality.


  • ZEISS OEM solutions brochure

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