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FORUM® from ZEISS is a scalable and flexible ophthalmic data management solution. It streamlines practice workflows by connecting your devices and providing access to all patient examination data which allows you to make confident decisions at a glance.
ZEISS FORUM enables a fully electronic workflow which e.g. allows you to send patient demographics automatically to the instrument. Paper handling and manual patient registration on instruments become a thing of the past. A completely paperless workflow environment lets you save on storage space, filing cabinets as well as costs for printouts, ink and printers.
Assuming a volume of 30 patients per day, our analysis projected a saving of about 5 weeks of work time per year and almost 10,000 euros in printing costs.
ZEISS FORUM facilitates clinical case visualization by preparing ophthalmic data and images in a way that lets you decide with confidence. With unique features and workplaces for glaucoma, retina, cataract and refractive, ZEISS FORUM effectively supports patient care.
Using ZEISS FORUM has allowed me to improve my practice efficiency, review high volumes of data quickly, and make better decisions for my patients.
ZEISS FORUM integrates conveniently into your existing IT infrastructure using established standards as well as customized tools. By centrally storing and managing all examination data it ensures patient record consistency across the network, including EMR, HIS, DICOM and non-DICOM instruments, from ZEISS as well as other manufacturers. In addition, the multi-site solution of ZEISS FORUM ensures that consistent patient data is available and shared across multiple sites.
We fully integrated ZEISS FORUM in our hospital IT landscape. Connections with our EMR system (Orbis) and the hospital-wide PACS are both functioning smoothly.
ZEISS Glaucoma Workplace is a clinical application that lets you analyze side-by-side progression data from CIRRUS HD-OCT and HFA at a glance.
ZEISS Retina Workplace combines ZEISS CIRRUS HD-OCT, AngioPlex® OCT Angiography and CLARUS® HD ultra-widefield fundus imaging to enable dynamic data review on a single intuitive screen.
Refractive Workplace® from ZEISS can help you modernize your clinical workflow with convenient review and remote planning for refractive surgery, saving you valuable OR time due to digital connectivity.
ZEISS EQ Workplace software for cataract surgery allows you to access ZEISS IOLMaster and other diagnostic data, calculate, select and order IOLs and prepare your surgery for ZEISS CALLISTO eye – anytime, anywhere.
ZEISS FORUM OCT Navigator allows you to review and navigate simultaneously through up to three OCT images from any vendor complying with the DICOM standard.
ZEISS FORUM Advanced Data Export enables you to extract DICOM data from ZEISS FORUM according to your individual filter criteria and to use them for further analysis.
ZEISS FORUM ASSIST match is an efficient software tool designed to quickly find and consolidate duplicate patient records stored in the FORUM database.
ZEISS FORUM LINK net allows integration of instruments without DICOM interface into the data management workflow of ZEISS FORUM.
* For the minimum requirements of additional FORUM Viewer please refer to FORUM 4.2
Considers full installation including plug-ins.
Refractive Workplace is available in the USA as a software classified as non medical device.