This product is available for customers in US only.
Introducing NULEX


The future of lens extraction in your hands.

  • Gentle patient treatment
  • Broadening the intraocular working space
  • Quick OR setup

The future of lens extraction in your hands

ZEISS MICOR 700 is designed to take lens extraction to a new level: the first hand-held lens removal device that operates ultrasound free. Innovative technology and design measures are used to minimize stress to surrounding eye structures during lens extraction. In addition, ZEISS MICOR 700 increases OR turnover efficiency due to the disposable plug-and-play system and the little set-up and sterilization effort required in between cases.

Gentle patient treatment

Crystalline lens extraction without ultrasound

ZEISS MICOR 700 stands for advanced and gentle lens extraction. The ZEISS NULEX (non-ultrasonic lens extraction) procedure generates less thermal stress in the eye during the lens removal than conventional phaco and minimizes the risk of thermal damage to ocular tissue.  Utilizing an asymmetric movement of the cutter tube allows MICOR to remove lens via cavitation-free oscillation.

Dr. Seth M. Pantanelli

I have surprised myself and what MICOR has been able to do for me, and for my patients. So, case times are faster, corneas are now clear. The staff loves it. The setup is easy.

Dr. Seth M. Pantanelli

Broadening the intraocular working space

A new patented blunt and rounded tip design

The ZEISS MICOR 700 tip is designed to be more sensitive in contact with the surrounding tissue than conventional phaco tips. Surveyed early adopter surgeons confirmed that the blunt and rounded tip contributes to a gentler behavior towards the surrounding tissue and increases the comfort zone for maneuvering of the capsular bag.

Dr. Sonya Yoo

When we look at the tips, [...] smooth and blunt. So, I find that very, very safe. The safety margin with this technology is great.

Dr. Sonia H. Yoo

Quick OR setup

Free of a console. Single-use front end, reusable back end

Always ready with a disposable "Plug-and-Play" system ensuring convenience and simplicity in the operating room: that is ZEISS MICOR 700. Each extractor comes in a sterile blister pack and only needs to be connected to the drive and plugged into a BSS source - then the surgery can begin. The fluidics system is fully disposable. ZEISS MICOR 700 thus enables a quick setup and breakdown in the OR. It is designed to reduce the sterilization effort compared to phaco devices using standard US handpieces. Surveyed staff reported that ZEISS MICOR 700 is intuitive to use and saves time over the whole surgical day.

Dr. Sonya Yoo

I am really impressed with this technology. I love that there is no foot pedal, I love that there is no machine. It really saves space in the O.R., it is quite efficient.

Dr. Sonia H. Yoo

High flexibility with a minimal footprint

Hand-held and finger-controlled design

ZEISS MICOR 700 is the first hand-held system that does not require a console or a foot pedal. It is designed for intuitive finger operation. Surgeons reported that MICOR reduces the necessary space consumption of the lens extraction technology to a new minimum. With the low initial investment of ZEISS MICOR 700, it has never been easier to embrace technology change.

  • The future of lens extraction in your hands


    The ZEISS MICOR 700 is a revolutionary hand-held lens extraction device that operates ultrasound free.

  • Heat Gain: Phaco vs. MICOR technology
    Heat Gain: Phaco vs. MICOR technology

    Data on file

    Data on file

    Heat Gain: Phaco vs. NULEX

    The ultrasound free technology of ZEISS MICOR 700 does not heat up the corneal surface as much as conventional phaco.1

  • Dr. Elizabeth Yeu

    I just did not think that there could be something even more disruptive. And on a level that does not utilize ultrasound. Everything that you need is right here. MICOR 700, one button does it all.

    Dr. Elizabeth Yeu
  • Dr. Neel R. Desai

    This is the most excited I've been about cataract surgery in a while. The corneas are crystal clear, wounds seal well, and the post-op day one wow factor is certainly improved over traditional phaco emulsification.

    Dr. Neel R. Desai

Video Highlights: Case Videos and Expert Talks

  • Dr. Desai’s First Experience with ZEISS MICOR 700

    Dr. Desai’s First Experience with ZEISS MICOR 700

  • Dr. Yoo’s First Experience with ZEISS MICOR 700

    Dr. Yoo’s First Experience with ZEISS MICOR 700

  • Dr. Yeu’s Cataract Removal Cases with ZEISS MICOR 700

    Dr. Yeu’s Cataract Removal Cases with ZEISS MICOR 700

  • Dr. Pantanelli’s Cataract Removal Case with ZEISS MICOR 700

    Dr. Pantanelli’s Cataract Removal Case with ZEISS MICOR 700

  • Dr. Neel Desai shares his first experience with the ZEISS NULEX non-ultrasonic lens extraction procedure, highlighting its innovative approach and gentle treatment for patients.
    First Experience with ZEISS MICOR 700 Lens Extraction Device with Neel Desai, MD
  • Dr. Sonia Yoo presents on effective and safe lens extraction, showcasing how the ZEISS MICOR 700 lens extractor provides a reliable solution for cataract removal.
    First Experience with ZEISS MICOR 700 Lens Extraction Device with Sonia Yoo, MD
  • Dr. Elizabeth Yeu demonstrates cataract removal cases across different grades using the ZEISS MICOR 700 Lens Extraction Device.
    Cataract Removal Across Different Grades with Elizabeth Yeu, MD
  • Dr. Seth Pantanelli demonstrates a cataract removal case using the ZEISS MICOR 700 Lens Extraction Device with ZEISS miLOOP Lens Fragmentation Device.
    Cataract Removal Case with Seth Pantanelli, MD

ZEISS MICOR 700 Specifications

  • Pump Type

    3 Cylinder Positive Displacement

    Maximum Aspiration Vacuum

    650 mmHg

  • Irrigation Method

    Gravity Based

    IOP level

    75 mmHg with static BSS height of 40 inch (1 meter)

  • Tube Motion

    Asymmetric Axial


    Linearly Variable from 0 to 40 Hz


    Linearly Variable from 0 to 170 microns

    Tube Type

    Straight, Round

    Tip Geometry


    Incision Size

    2.4 mm



  • Handpiece Type

    Disposable, dual blade, 21 gauge

    Max. Cutting Rate

    5,000 cuts per minute

    Pump Type


    Maximum Aspiration Vacuum

    450 mmHg

  • Extractor


    24 g

    26 g

    80 g


    20 mm

    25 mm

    18 mm


    188 mm

    187 mm

    100 mm

  • Operating Voltage

    15V DC

    Rated frequency


    Power Supply

    100-240 VAC


  • MICOR 700 Datasheet EN

    596 KB
  • MICOR 700 Effective and safe lens extraction Sonia H Yoo et al. Study Spotlight EN

    1 MB
  • MICOR 700 Intraoperative performance Seth Pantanelli et al. Study Spotlight EN

    1 MB
  • MICOR 700 Onepager EN US

    602 KB

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