ZEISS Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology

Company Information

Company Information

Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH
Rudolf-Eber-Straße 2
73447 Oberkochen, Deutschland
Phone: +49 7364 20-0

Local court Ulm, HRB 725667
USt-IdNr. DE 811119999

Oberkochen, Deutschland

Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Dr. Karl Lamprecht

Management Board:
Andreas Pecher (President & CEO), Torsten Reitze

Responsible for content:
Jeannine Rapp (Press contact)

If you have questions regarding our web site, please contact us at webmaster@zeiss.com.


    • Code of Conduct EN

      Pages: 40
      File size: 2 MB
    • Guidelines for non-ZEISS companies | Instructions on Safety, Environmental Protection, Fire Safety and Efficient Energy Consumption for Non-ZEISS Staff (Germany)

      Pages: 16
      File size: 170 KB
    • Information for ZEISS suppliers

      Pages: 12
      File size: 723 KB
    • Instructions on Safety, Environmental Protection, Fire Safety and Efficient Energy Consumption for Non-ZEISS Staff

      Pages: 11
      File size: 255 KB
    • ZEISS OHS Policy EN

      Pages: 1
      File size: 134 KB
    • ZEISS Supplier Standards – human rights and environment related prohibitions of the GSCA

      Pages: 4
      File size: 83 KB
    • Technical Delivery Terms

      Pages: 1
      File size: 44 KB