ZEISS CIRRUS 6000: image of a doctor with a computer

Make every second count with high-performance OCT


  • Performance OCT
  • Proven analytics
  • Patient-first design

Performance OCT

100,000 scans per second to power your practice

CIRRUS® 6000 is the next-generation OCT from ZEISS, delivering high-speed image capture with HD imaging detail and a wider field of view so you can make more informed decisions and spend more time with the patients who need it.

Learn how you can maximize patient throughput and practice efficiency with ZEISS CIRRUS 6000.

  • ZEISS CIRRUS 6000 12 mm HD 1 Line raster 100x averaged
  • ZEISS CIRRUS 6000 12x12 mm single-shot AngioPlex OCT Angiography of branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO)
  • ZEISS CIRRUS 6000 12 mm HD 1 Line raster 100x averaged
    Image courtesy of Theodore Leng, MD, FACS, Byers Eye Institute, United States

    12 mm HD 1 Line raster 100x averaged

  • ZEISS CIRRUS 6000 12x12 mm single-shot AngioPlex OCT Angiography of branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO)
    Image courtesy of Jesse Jung, MD, East Bay Retina, United States

    12x12 mm single-shot AngioPlex OCT Angiography of branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO)

  • ZEISS CIRRUS 6000 8x8 mm HD AngioPlex OCT Angiography of proliferative diabetic retinopathy, PDR
    Image courtesy of Roger Goldberg, MD, Bay Area Retina Associates, United States

    8x8 mm HD AngioPlex OCT Angiography of proliferative diabetic retinopathy, PDR

Faster, wider with a new level of detail

At 100,000 scans per second, ZEISS CIRRUS 6000 enables clinicians to image a larger field of view up to 12mm in a single scan. It also captures high-definition (HD) OCT and OCT Angiography (OCTA) scans, revealing the finer microvascular details of the retina and providing more insight into your patient’s condition.

ZEISS CIRRUS 6000 Making the revolutionary, routine.

Making the revolutionary, routine

ZEISS AngioPlex OCT Angiography

AngioPlex® OCT Angiography from ZEISS ushers in a new era of eye care with non-invasive imaging of retinal microvasculature - taking glaucoma and retinal disease management and treatment planning to the next level. By offering the industry’s most comprehensive tools for assessing and analyzing a range of pathologies, ZEISS provides a complete OCT Angiography (OCTA) solution.

Image of a doctor with a computer

Proven analytics

CIRRUS-powered treatment decisions

As the pioneering OCT technology, the CIRRUS platform offers clinicians extensive, clinically-validated applications—for retina, glaucoma and anterior segment—that allow for precise analysis, faster throughput, and smarter decision-making across a range of clinical conditions and patient types.

  • Clinically-validated tools for a range of conditions
  • Image of Macular change analysis
  • Image of Guided progression analysis
  • Image of Epithelial thickness mapping widefield HD
  • Imgage of AngioPlex Metrix

Clinically-validated tools for a range of conditions

  • Expanded reference database now with 870 patients 
  • Macular change analysis lets you track change between visits with confidence
  • Glaucoma: Guided progression analysis and comprehensive tools for glaucoma management
  • Epithelial thickness mapping widefield HD corneal imaging and more
  • AngioPlex Metrix: OCTA quantification tools for retina and glaucoma
Graphic of ZEISS CIRRUS Expanded Reference Database

ZEISS CIRRUS expanded reference database - supporting your practice with more data. Average values calculated from publicly available statistics as of April 2024.

Expanded reference database

The continually advancing ZEISS CIRRUS Reference Database now includes 870 patients, more than triple that of previous versions, and with greater diversity, taking into account different optic disc sizes in addition to age. Comparing macular thickness, ganglion cell thickness, optic disc and RNFL measurements to a reference range for healthy eyes 18 to 88+ years, interpolated from quantile regressions using additional statistical models.

Image of CIRRUS 6000 platform

Patient-first design

Unique patient-centric platform designed for the future

With ZEISS CIRRUS, your patient data is never left behind. CIRRUS is the platform that allows seamless transfer of raw, dynamic patient data from previous generations, allowing clinicians to manage their patients with utmost care, across generations.

Image of enhanced cybersecurity

ZEISS CIRRUS – offering next-level data protection

CIRRUS software 11.7: enhanced cybersecurity

New enhanced cybersecurity features are designed to meet ever-evolving compliance and security needs. For the large institution IT requirements of today and tomorrow, ZEISS CIRRUS offers features such as enhanced password security, enterprise-scale security requirements and more.

  • Whether at rest or in transit, your CIRRUS data is secure with BitLocker encryption and DICOM Transport Layer Secure (TLS) protocol.
  • New InterBase ultra-fast embeddable database, offering top-of-the-line data security and instant disaster recovery. Supports Windows 10 configuration to run in Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) mode.
  • Share DICOM OP and OPT compressed data with ZEISS FORUM and electronic medical records (EMRs) using JPEG2000(J2K) or JPEGBaseline methods. 
  • CIRRUS Review Station supports installation on Windows 10, Windows 11, and Windows Server 2012R2, 2016R2, and 2019 operating systems.

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