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Glaucoma Management in Collaboration: A Case Study
9 October 20232 minread
This video presents an example of collaboration that allowed to improve outcome in a challenging glaucoma case.
Collaborative care for a patient with progressing glaucoma was successfully provided by two doctors from remote locations based on utilization of identical diagnostic platforms (ZEISS CIRRUS OCT and HFA3).
The doctors gained efficiency in transferring critical diagnostic data using FORUM® Glaucoma Workplace that integrates CIRRUS® OCT and HFA3 Visual Field tests and analysis. Using like-to-like diagnostic platforms at different stages of the glaucoma patient journey allowed for an efficient referral, improved patient compliance, and provided the patient with better confidence about doctors’ decisions for surgical and therapeutic treatments.
When collaborating doctors use the same diagnostic platforms, the patient is more confident and aware of the disease status and prognosis because the communication is clear and consistent.
Using CIRRUS and Glaucoma Workplace we can establish a baseline for recognizing a progression...I am tracking with GPA to know when it's time to start a treatment.
The FORUM Glaucoma Workplace is a new technology for the collection and analysis of the data coming from OCT and visual field. With this technology the decision-making process is easier, time saving and more accurate, and it really helps the clinician in improving the quality of care of our glaucoma patients.
Seeing the test results together with my doctors, has made me more confident that I am on the right path to take care of my eyes. It is important to feel confident when you live with glaucoma and face surgeries.
Glaucoma management in collaboration: a case study
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