ZEISS has won two Awards for EUV
Recently ZEISS has won two prestige Awards for EUV technology in Germany and South Korea
German Future Prize
The German Federal President's Award for Technology and Innovation (Deutscher Zukunftspreis) honored the team from the ZEISS Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology (SMT) segment for the development of EUV lithography.
"Outstanding innovative strength in Germany"
The jury honored Dr. Peter Kürz, ZEISS, Dr. Michael Kösters, TRUMPF Lasersystems for Semiconductor Manufacturing, and Dr. Sergiy Yulin, Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineers (IOF) in Jena, for their significant contribution to the development and industrial maturity of EUV technology.
With this award, the German Federal President honors scientists for exceptional achievements in technology, engineering and the life sciences that have resulted in viable products. The award comes with a cash prize totaling 250,000 euros. In addition to scientific excellence, the winning project presents a clear and recognizable benefit for society, the environment and the economy.
6th KGCCI Innovation Award
Only two days later at the 6th KGCCI Innovation Awards ZEISS Korea was honored as the winner of the “Innovation in Business” for pioneering work in lithography optics using EUV. “Innovation in Business” category is for the company who realizes the innovation in the areas of new products, processes, organizational development, services and business models. KGCCI Innovation Awards aims to promote innovative products, technologies and business strategies of companies, helping them globalize their business and partner with German companies. This year, the KGCCI Innovation Awards are officially supported by the Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and the Ministry of SMEs and Startups.