ZEISS Labscope
Create engaging lessons with your digital classroom.
With ZEISS Labscope, you choose an easy-to-use imaging app. Whether for your lectures or your microscope practicals, at university, school or college - you bring microscopy to life.
Take pictures, record videos and measure your microscopic samples at the touch of a button. You can easily switch between all the microscopes in your connected classroom. As you move freely around the room, "lecture and listen" becomes "interact and motivate".

Enjoy Connected Microscopy
With Labscope you vizualise all microscopes in your digital classroom network. You display all the live images from your network at any time and from anywhere in the room. And easily observe, comment and share the images from a distance.

Simple. Imaging. App.
Whether you’re using a Windows PC with mouse and keyboard, with touchscreen, an Android device, or an iPad or iPhone we’ve got you covered. Labscope runs on all of these devices. You switch effortlessly between microscopes and get real-time thumbnails of all microscopes in the room.

Fun to Work with
Get your students measuring, annotating and documenting their results by making it easy to snap images or record videos. Use the integrated pointer to lead your students to areas of interest. Let them do their hand drawings with the drawing function. Or opt for Labscope Teacher to manage and organize your digital classroom.
ZEISS Labscope Teacher - Manage and Organize Your Digital Classroom
Opt for the powerful new Teacher module to expand your Labscope installation. Labscope Teacher puts you in charge of all connected microscopes in the network, while you move freely around the classroom. It lets you define working groups, send them group-specific tasks and share digital information such as documents or presentations, thereby fostering teamwork. Your master device makes it easy to keep everybody on track. You only need to define your classroom layout once. Then simply reload to start the lesson, saving valuable teaching time.
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Contact ZEISS Microscopy
Labscope Teacher is a licensed software, please consult with sales representative for enquiry, demo and free trial.