Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC)
Joint Symposium Technical University Munich & ZEISS

3D X-ray Microscopy and Multimodal SEM

High-resolution imaging in correlative workflows

Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), Garching, Germany

Experience recent achievements in correlative, multi-modal imaging and characterization techniques

It is our pleasure to invite you to the upcoming symposium on high-resolution imaging in correlative workflows, which will take place on November 7-8, 2023, at the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) in Garching, Germany.

This symposium will focus on the latest developments in X-ray microscopy, SEM technology, and research, including Multi-SEM, as they relate to the fields of materials science and life sciences. The symposium is intended to bring together experts from these fields to share their knowledge and discuss current challenges and future opportunities.
The symposium will feature a range of speakers, who will present their cutting-edge research on these topics. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in stimulating discussions.  

Key Learnings

  • Join the discussion on the recent achievements in the field of X-ray as well as scanning electron microscopy
  • Experience our software capabilities combined with Deep Learning and AI boosting the both performance and image quality
  • Open exchange with experienced researchers and users
  • Get insights to future trends of software and microscopy


  • 11.30 AM

    Registration & Snacks

    12.30 PM

    Prof. Franz Pfeiffer, Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Physics & Medicine; TUM - Technical University Munich, Germany
    Dr. Stefan Groß, ZEISS

    12.45 PM

    TUM Intro & Research Highlights Translational Biomedical X-ray Imaging
    Prof. Franz Pfeiffer, Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Physics & Medicine TUM - Technical University Munich, Germany

    1.15 PM

    Correlative multibeam SEM for 3D neural circuit reconstruction
    Dr. Kevin Briggman, Max-Planck-Institute for Neurobiology of Behavior - CAESAR, Bonn, Germany

    2.00 PM

    Bridging the length-scales through correlative X-ray and Electron Imaging in materials science
    Prof. Philip Withers, University of Manchester, Materials Science, Materials Engineering, United Kingdom

    2.45 PM

    Coffee Break

    3.15 PM

    Extending Synchrotron X-ray Microscopy to the Laboratory – X-Ray Microscopy as a correlative imaging technique
    Dr. Mohsen Samadi Khoshkhoo, ZEISS

    3.45 PM

    Efficent data handling and Artifical Intelligence based Image segmentation
    Dr. Oliver Tress, ZEISS

    4.15 PM

    Algorithms for biological and medical imaging
    PD Dr. rer. nat. Tobias Lasser, Computational Imaging and Inverse Problems, TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology, Technical University of Munich, Germany

    5.00 PM

    Optional Lab Tour
    Munich Institute of Biomedical Engineering & X-ray Facilities (MIBE)

    6.00 PM

    End 1st Day

    7.30 PM

    Joint Dinner
    Brewery Augustiner, Freisinger Landstraße 4, 85748 Garching/Munich

  • 9 AM

    BM18, the new ESRF-EBS beamline for multiresolution phase-contrast tomography on large samples : past, present and future
    Dr. Joseph Brunet, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), Grenoble, France

    9.45 AM

    Multi-Beam-SEM "mSEM" for very large scale 2D & 3D imaging
    Dr. Antonio Casares, ZEISS

    10.15 AM

    Coffee Break

    11 AM

    Towards the brain’s nested connectome: a correlative, multi-modal, cross-scale approach
    Prof. Dr. Markus Axer, Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-1), Forschungszentrum Jülich & School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany

    11.45 AM


    12.45 PM

    Julia Fernandez-Rodriguez, Centre for Cellular Imaging (CCI), University of Gothenburg, Sweden

    1.30 PM

    Future developments in scanning electron microscopy
    Dr. Ben Tordorff, ZEISS

    2.15 PM

    Optional lab tour
    Munich Institute of Biomedical Engineering & X-ray Facilities (MIBE)

    3.15 PM

    End 2nd day

Hotel Recommendation

Room capacities have been reserved until Sept 26, 2023

Booking code at reservation: “Microscopy Symposium”

Hotel Soulmade

Mühlfeldweg 46
85748 Garching, Germany
Phone: +49 89 24 41 55-0
Rate: Single room incl. breakfast 125,00 Eur/per night
Transfer hotel - IAS: U-Bahn, 12 min

Stellaris Apartment Hotel
Walther-von-Dyck-Straße 16
85748 Garching bei München
Phone: 089 614 250 60
Link to booking:
Rate: Single room incl. breakfast 139,00 Eur/per night
The hotel is directly located at IAS


Technische Universität München, Garching

Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), “Kleiner Hörsaal“, Building 33, Room 004 Lichtenbergstraße 2 a 85748 Garching (Munich) Germany