ZEISS Solutions for Industrial Ceramics Research

The engineering of ceramics through characterization is about understanding the structure, properties, performance, and process of a particular material or system.

  • Use advanced understanding to design high performance advanced ceramics from nanoparticles to finished goods
  • Quantify data on crystallization defects in technical ceramics
  • Advance development of medical ceramics with 3D non-destructive imaging and 4D mechanical experiments for testing
  • Use machine learning to enhance knowledge of grains, interfaces, pores, and boundaries

Application images

  • Ceramic acquired with Sigma 500, BSD4 detector

  • Zinc Oxide Dendrites, Inlens, 5kV. False Color

  • Ceramics imaged with backscattered electron detector

  • Woven ceramic matrix composite sample imaged after mechanical testing

Microscopy Solutions for Ceramics


Download these papers with our compliments

  • Ceramics Pre-preparation for FIB-investigation

    Using ZEISS Crossbeam laser

    The introduction of the LaserFIB, a femtosecond laser on ZEISS Crossbeam has shown great advantages in large area sample preparation for FIB/SEM analyses with minimal to no heat affected zone in the sample material. Recent application examples covered metal and alloy samples as well as microelectronic components with the task to access deeply buried features and to cross-section larger areas for statistically significant analyses. The presented work will outline that the femtosecond laser is also suited for preparation and investigation of various ceramic materials. On the example of technical ceramics including Zirconia, Silicon Nitride, Forsterite, PZT and a SiC-ZrB2 compound, the determination of depth milling rates with up to 28 μm/s, large area milling of around 10 mm² and the final surface qualit y revealing the true microstructure are shown. Additionally, a basic recipe to prepare technical ceramics with ZEISS Crossbeam laser is given.

  • Investigating Sweet Spot Imaging of Perovskite Catalysts Bearing Exsolved Active Nanoparticles

    Platinum (Pt), generally dispersed on a solid oxide support, has been widely used for catalytic chemical reactions in automobile, chemical refining, and energy industries. During the reactions, Pt is exposed to severe conditions, e.g., high temperature events and impurities, that cause Pt agglomeration and poisoning, respectively, resulting in activity/stability losses. Perovskite materials are designed with Pt for significant catalytic properties through novel doping and exsolution methods.

  • Observing Fracture Mechanics

    ZEISS X-ray Microscopes

    Fracture is a prevalent material failure mechanism that, while occurring at the microscopic scale, can have catastrophic macroscopic consequences. Structural failures due to fracture have led to immense financial damages as well as countless losses of human life. As new materials are deployed into environments requiring increased performance, reliability and operational lifetimes, interests in understanding and eliminating fracture from building materials now span the industrial, academic, and political sectors.

  • ZEISS Microscopy Solution for Industrial Ceramics Research

    2D, 3D and 4D Solutions to Engineer New Advanced Ceramics for High Performance Industrial Applications

    Ceramics have become the material of choice for a wide range of high performance
    applications thanks to the ability to design their macroscopic properties and
    combine these with modern processing techniques. In today’s fast moving
    environment, increasing the efficiency of products, meeting challenging customer
    demands, and reducing production costs while keeping ahead of the competition
    can be a challenge without an analytical approach. To drive innovation, a material’s
    microstructure and its interaction with the environment must be characterized
    in situ, in multi dimensions and using different modalities, taking advantage
    of modern microscopy solutions.

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For a summary of highlights watch this video from a previous Ceramics Expo

  • Woven Ceramix Matrix Composite