Automate Your Experiments with Image Analysis and Guided Acquisition
2 November 2020
· 113 min watch

Dr. Marion Lang
Product manager for image processing & image analysis
ZEISS Microscopy
ZEISS Microscopy

Dr. Frank Vogler
Application specialist for automated and confocal imaging
ZEISS Microscopy
ZEISS Microscopy
Automate Your Experiments with Image Analysis and Guided Acquisition
See the complete Guided Acquisition workflow, including setting up experiments, defining an image analysis to identify the objects of interest, and running the Guided Acquisition process.
Key Learnings:
- Define experiments
- Set up automated image analysis and configure the Guided Acquisition run
- Learn about further integration into the ZEN ecosystem: automation, direct processing, and the processing steps in the Guided Acquisition module
- Inspect and document the results of Guided Acquisition using ZEN Connect