Focus on Lattice Light-Sheet Microscopy: Past, Present and Future
16 May 2022
· 57 min watch
Prof. Marco Fritzsche
Scientific Director, Oxford-Zeiss Centre of Excellence
Dr. Huw Colin-York
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, BPI Lab
Dr. Helena Coker
Advanced Microscopy Specialist, BPI Lab, Kennedy and Oxford-Zeiss Centre of Excellence
Dr. Niall Geoghegan
Senior Postdoctoral Researcher, CDI at WEHI
Dr. Kirstin Elgass
Application Development Engineer
ZEISS Microscopy
ZEISS Microscopy
Focus on Lattice Light-Sheet Microscopy: Past, Present and Future
This webinar focuses on the development of Lattice Light-Sheet Microscopy through time. Leading researchers present their experiences with long-term volumetric imaging of living cells using this technology. Listen to first-hand experience reports how Lattice Lightsheet evolved from initial prototypes to established instruments in core facilities and research labs. Learn about the next generation of ZEISS Lattice Lightsheet 7 and how it advances live cell research projects.
Key Learnings:
- Experiences with home-built lattice light-sheet systems
- ZEISS Lattice Lightsheet 7 in multi-user environments
- Quantifying diffusion dynamics of biomolecules in activating T cells
- Malaria invasion of red blood cells in 4D
- ZEISS Lattice Lightsheet 7 improvements:
-Imaging just above the noise level
-Faster imaging
-Crosstalk-free imaging
-Truly simultaneous two-color imaging