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The Challenge of Hepatocyte Hypertrophy in Drug Research
Imagine that a promising new drug for chronic pain is stopped during clinical trials. Not because it is ineffective, but because it unexpectedly causes liver damage.
This scenario of hepatotoxicity is often a bitter reality in the pharmaceutical industry, as the liver plays a crucial role in drug metabolism. Hepatotoxicity is a common cause of drug candidate failure.1 Therefore, understanding liver health and drug-induced hepatotoxicity is not only a scientific endeavor; it can also be a matter of life or death for patients who urgently need a drug that is not approved because it causes liver damage.
Innovative technologies such as AI (artificial intelligence), driving image analysis, are becoming an important tool in ensuring the drug safety and efficacy. Researchers are trying to bridge the gap between in vitro models and human responses in drug development, toxicology, and disease modelling. One such researcher is Simon Plummer.
Ayesha and Stephanie from MicroMatrices are training an AI model on ZEISS arivis cloud, for the segmentation of a liver tissue microscopy image.
Advancing Toxicology Research
Simon Plummer, managing director of MicroMatrices Associates Ltd. in Dundee, UK, leads a team focused on researching toxicology through the molecular and morphological analysis of microtissues. Their work involves integrating molecular genomic data with image analysis techniques to better understand how tissues respond to drugs and agrochemicals.
By studying hepatotoxicity, MicroMatrices seeks to improve knowledge of liver health and its critical role in drug metabolism and safety. This research aims to contribute to the development of safer medicines and help customers make informed decisions during the drug development process. Through its work, MicroMatrices aims to translate laboratory findings into practical healthcare applications.
Liver tissue AI markup. Red segments show hepatocyte cytoplasm areas and yellow segments show hepatocyte nuclei.
AI-Driven Techniques Can Help Overcoming Challenges in Hepatocyte Identification
In the pre-AI era, Simon Plummer and his team have used threshold-based image analysis to address issues with multiplex immunofluorescence (mIF) stained images. Threshold-based analysis is more challenging to apply to image analysis of morphological characteristics in hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained images due to the non-specific nature of the stain.
One of the challenges they faced in their liver hypertrophy project was to define hepatocyte cell membranes in H&E stained images of liver microtissue sections across species (human and rat). This proved easy in human hepatocytes because there was good contrast between the cytoplasm and the cell membrane in these images.
However, in rat liver microtissue sections, it was difficult to visually identify the cell membrane against a more intensely stained cytoplasm. To create an AI algorithm that accurately performs this task in rat tissue, they Immunohistochemistry (IHC) stained the rat liver microtissues in parallel sections, using a rat hepatocyte marker.
Overall, the MicroMatrices team has significantly reduced the mentioned challenges through AI-driven image analysis.
AI resolves issues associated with spatial/morphological measurements because it can efficiently automate making spatial distance measurements. Historically, histopathological analysis of this kind has been performed semi-quantitatively. AI provides a quantitative solution with greater speed alleviating subjective bias.
Matthew and Simon from MicroMatrices working on the microscopes.
Revolutionizing Spatial Measurements in Histopathology
This AI-driven image analysis approach is particularly advantageous for leveraging AI in the analysis of the extensive datasets obtained from microtissue microarrays (microTMAs).
The microTMA platform was developed by MicroMatrices in order to efficiently compare treatment groups from an entire microtissue plate-based experiment on a single microscope slide. Furthermore, the planar geometry of the microTMA allows for the generation of up to 20 parallel slides for multiplexed investigations. As this platform enables the simultaneous examination of multiple tissue samples, experimental efficiency is significantly enhanced.
By integrating AI, it is possible to process and analyze these large volumes of data more efficiently, in this case in drug development and toxicology studies, yielding accurate quantitative results with greater speed and precision.
Manually annotating and measuring all the individual hepatocyte cytoplasmic areas would have been very inefficient, however using arivis Cloud streamlined this process.
Streamlining Liver Microtissue Analysis
The process of liver microtissue analysis begins with fixing the liver microtissue, followed by the preparation of microTMA. Once the microarrays are prepared, the next step is to section the microtissues, followed by H&E staining to visualize the tissue structures.
After staining, the samples are scanned using a slide scanner, in conjunction with ZEN microscopy software. This allows high-resolution imaging of the stained sections.
Finally, the images are annotated and analyzed using ZEISS arivis Cloud, which allows for training of AI models with no need to code, to facilitate advanced image processing and data interpretation.
Application Images
Liver Tissue Stained with H&E
Liver Tissue Stained with Albumin
Liver Tissue AI Markup
Insights Into Hepatocyte Hypertrophy Thanks to AI-Driven Image Analysis
Using microscopy and AI analysis, Simon Plummer and his team were able to measure hypertrophy and demonstrate that this response could be recapitulated in both rat and human liver microtissues. The results showed a significant increase in the cytoplasmic area of the hepatocytes, and the induction of phase 1 and phase 2 enzymes was confirmed by proteomics analysis. Interestingly, the sensitivity of the AI algorithm in measuring this response differed between species.
It was observed that the specificity of the AI algorithm was lower in images of rat liver microtissues, compared to those of human liver microtissues. This discrepancy was attributed to the cell membrane being more clearly defined in human samples due to qualitative differences in the H&E staining.
Thus, the MicroMatrices team addressed questions related to the recapitulation of a key event – liver hepatocyte hypertrophy – in the mechanism of liver carcinogenesis in rats. They used 3D microtissues to model this response and assess, whether it also occurs in human liver microtissues.
Advancing Drug Development: Insights on MicroTMA Analysis
Simon Plummer and his team summarized their findings in a paper: published in Frontiers in Drug Discovery, it illustrates their approach to developing technologies that contribute to addressing the challenges of translating drug responses across species. The team's research focused on analyzing microTMAs constructed with drug-treated microtissues to facilitate early pipeline decision making for their biotech and pharmaceutical industry clients.
In our future research, we aim to apply AI to analyze immunohistochemical and fluorescent images.
Exploring New Frontiers by Enhanced Image Analysis in Diverse Microtissues
Early exploration of AI-driven image analysis has revealed several advantages for its application in microscopy. Simon Plummer’s team has found that AI-driven analysis is efficient for measuring distance and morphological parameters, providing accurate and reliable data.
For identifying variations in diffuse staining intensity within images, threshold-based image analysis is a suitable method, while AI-driven approaches may serve different analytical purposes. This highlights the importance of selecting the appropriate technique based on specific research needs, as different methods can be tailored to address diverse analytical challenges.
The next steps in the research are to use AI to identify morphological changes in other microtissues, including those from the brain, heart, and kidney.
About MicroMatrices
MicroMatrices, founded in 2011, is a contract research organization (CRO), dedicated to understanding the molecular mechanisms of drug action in tissues.
The company’s name is derived from the idea that tissues are complex, interconntected matrices of molecules and structures that contain information relevant to biological function.
Its motivation is to develop technologies and provide services to quantify this molecular and morphological data to better understand mechanisms of drug action and safety.
AI-driven image analysis enhances the detection of hepatocyte hypertrophy in liver microtissues by efficiently automating spatial and morphological measurements. In this case, changes in the cytoplasmic area of hepatocytes are assessed. By utilizing AI algorithms, researchers can analyze large numbers of images from treatment replicates derived from the microTMA, generating accurate quantitative data more efficiently. This capability alleviates subjective bias that can occur with traditional semi-quantitative histopathological analysis.
The MicroTMA (micro Tissue MicroArray) technology allows for the simultaneous analysis of up to 96 liver microtissue samples from the same plate-based experiment. This enhances experimental efficiency in drug and chemical safety studies by avoiding inter-tissue treatment or staining batch effects. Additionally, it provides multiple replicates from every treatment group within a grid format, which enables systematic analysis. This technology helps bridge the gap between in vitro models and human responses, contributing to a better understanding of drug-induced hepatotoxicity and liver safety.
It is possible to improve the identification of hepatocyte cells in liver microtissues by employing immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining of rat liver microtissues on parallel microTMA sections using a rat hepatocyte marker. This approach allows for more accurate identification of hepatocyte cytoplasmic areas, particularly in challenging cases where the intensity of the H&E staining makes it difficult to visually distinguish the cell membranes.
In studies focused on analyzing liver microtissue hepatocyte hypertrophy in vitro, phenobarbital treatment has been shown to induce significant increases in the cytoplasmic area of hepatocytes, a response effectively illustrated in this case using AI-driven image analysis. Proteomic analysis showed that the induction of phase 1 and phase 2 enzymes was concurrent with the hypertrophy response. Understanding the effects of drugs and chemicals on hepatocyte histopathology and metabolism is crucial for assessing product safety.