
Transform your Microscopy with the ZEISS Digital Classroom

1 October 2021 · 27 min watch
  • Teaching
  • Widefield Light Microscopy
  • Imaging Digital Cameras
Author Vincent Cavaliere Product Marketing Manager, Education and Routine
ZEISS Microscopy


Hands-on learning is a critical component of science education at all ages. In a world where seeing is believing, microscopes play a major role in helping students and teachers make deeper connections between principles taught in lectures and real-life specimens. In life, earth, or materials sciences, a Digital Classroom from ZEISS allows teachers and students to interact with the microscope and specimens like never before.

Key Learnings:

  • Teachers can move more freely throughout the classroom and call up for discussion the view of any networked microscope on the fly.
  • Institutes can gain an edge in recruiting by extending cutting-edge technology infrastructure further into the teaching laboratory.
  • You can divide your large classroom into groups, get your students’ attention, share images and annotations, and even assign homework with Labscope Teacher.

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