Materials Science

European EM User Meeting

Advancements in Electron Microscopy and Beyond

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Nanocomposite Powder – Imaged with the BSE detector at 1 kV landing energy with no bias (left) and at 1 kV landing energy with 5 kV bias (right), providing enhanced material contrast and sharpness.​
Nanocomposite Powder – Imaged with the BSE detector at 1 kV landing energy with no bias (left) and at 1 kV landing energy with 5 kV bias (right), providing enhanced material contrast and sharpness.​
Nanocomposite Powder imaged on GeminiSEM with the BSE detector at 1 kV landing energy with no bias (left) and at 1 kV landing energy with 5 kV bias (right), providing enhanced material contrast and sharpness.

Explore the Latest Trends & Connect with the International Community

We cordially invite you to our Electron Microscopy User Meeting at the ZEISS Microscopy Customer Center Europe in Oberkochen.

In the morning sessions, users will share applications and results from the most diverse areas of materials science. In the afternoon live demonstrations, you will be able to experience a wide variety of electron microscope systems in small groups and ask questions directly to the experts.

As a cherry on top, you can look forward to two evening events to network among the international community. On March 28, we will welcome you in the ZEISS Optics Museum with a dinner. Then you will take part in the evening social event on March 29 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the GeminiSEM technology.

Participation in the meeting, bus transfers between venues and the evening events are free of charge.

We look forward to seeing you in Oberkochen!


Image on top: Advanced alloy material imaged at 3kV high vacuum shows the tungsten core material surrounded by a steel matrix. Acquired with Sigma 500, ETSE detector


  • 17:00

    Registration at the ZEISS Forum




    Dinner & Tour of ZEISS Optics Museum

  • Topic


    Registration at the ZEISS Forum



    Benjamin Tordoff, Ph.D.


    Analysis of crystal defects by electron channeling contrast imaging (ECCI) for the advancement of structural materials

    Dr. Stefan Zaefferer


    Sustainable metal oxide nanostructures for multifunctional applications

    Daniela Nunes, Ph.D.


    Coffee Break


    More than morphology: wide applications of SEM in materials and life sciences

    Dr. Iftat Kaplan-Ashiri


    SEM/EDS/EBSD characterization of nanomaterials at the Institute for Nanomaterials, Advanced Technologies and Innovation, TUL

    Ing. Michaela Petrzilkova & Ing. Pavel Kejzlar, Ph.D.




    Bus Transfer to ZEISS Microscopy Customer Center Europe


    Round Table Discussion & Solution Demonstrations (Rotation in groups)


    Bus Transfer to Dinner Venue


    Celebrating 30th Anniversary of GeminiSEM Technology

    C. H. Graf vom Hagen


    How this revolutionary electron optics helped Raith to become the market leader for nanofabrication

    Dirk Brüggemann


    Dinner & Transfer to hotel

  • Topic


    Welcome at the ZEISS Forum

    Benjamin Tordoff, Ph.D.


    Multi-scale, multi-dimensional imaging of geomaterials to unravel Earth’s secrets

    Dr. Oliver Plümper


    The BUILD project: Proof-of-Concept study for high-resolution correlative multimodal imaging of mouse brain

    Dr. Julia Fernandez-Rodriguez


    Correlative workflows for the optimisation of novel binderjet printing processes

    Prof. Kate Black




    Bus Transfer to ZEISS Microscopy Customer Center Europe


    Round Table Discussion & Solution Demonstrations (Rotation in groups)


    Formal Farewell & Transfer

Prof. Kate Black Advanced Manufacturing Research and Production Facility, School of Engineering at The University of Liverpool

Professor Kate Black gained her PhD in Material Science at the University of Liverpool in 2008. Kate’s research interests are primarily focused on the development of novel functional materials for their use in inkjet and binder jet printing for multi-material manufacturing. Her main area of expertise is in the development of novel Reactive Organo-Metallic inks (ROM) developing bespoke material systems for additive manufacturing processes.

Dirk Brüggemann RAITH Group

Dirk Brüggemann joined Raith in 1988 and finished his diploma thesis on electron beam lithography. Until 1999 he acted as sales engineer for Raith´s various SEM attachments products, including the EBL attachment ELPHY. Since 2000 he joined the Raith Management team and became responsible for Raith´s global sales and marketing. He developed Raith´s presence in all global markets.

Dr. Julia Fernandez-Rodriguez Centre for Cellular Imaging, Shalgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg

Julia Fernandez-Rodriguez, PhD. received her PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Vigo, Spain. Her main scientific area of research is Biochemistry and Cell and Molecular Biology. She is an author to more than forty research articles, learned reviews and book-chapters and active member of the Steering committees of ELMI and SCANDEM, member of the Executive Committee of the Core Technology for Life Science as a its Vice-president. She was also a member of the Management Committees of multiple COST Actions.

Dr. Ifat Kaplan-Ashiri Weizmann Institute of Science

Ifat Kaplan-Ashiri is an associate research staff scientist at the Department of Chemical Research Support at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. She received her PhD in chemistry from the Weizmann Institute of Science working on the mechanical properties of WS2 nanotubes. She had a postdoc in the University of Texas at Austin on simultaneous Raman and atomic force microscopy studies of single molecules and carbon nanotubes. Ifat joined the electron microscopy unit at the Weizmann Institute of Science on 2012, and she is heading the SEM team. Her main fields of interest are imaging and spectroscopy of materials, new and ancient as well as method development of spectroscopies (EDS and CL) in cryo-SEM for life science.

Dr. Oliver Plümper Department of Earth Sciences, Utrecht University

Oliver Plümper graduated with an MSc in Geoscience from the University of Münster, Germany prior to completing a PhD at the Center for Physics of Geological Processes, University of Oslo, Norway in 2012. Since 2013, Oliver has been an assistant professor at the Department of Earth Sciences, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. He became an associate professor in 2020, leading a group that addresses multi-scale earth materials research questions by coupling microscopy with natural observations, experiments, and numerical simulations. He is the (co-)PI of multiple national and international projects, among others an European Research Council Starting Grant and the EU-funded EXCITE Network ( He is also a member of the Young Academy of Europe and, among other prizes, has received the 2020 Research Excellence medal of the European Mineralogical Union.

Daniela Nunes-Gomes, Ph.D. Nanofabrication lab at CENIMAT and NOVA School of Science and Technology

Daniela Nunes received her Ph.D. at Instituto Superior Técnico in 2012, in Materials Engineering and became a Post-doctoral researcher at the CENIMAT/i3N of NOVA School of Science and Technology in 2013. The post-doctoral work was entitled “Design of new functional materials for electronics applications”. She is also working at the Nanofabrication lab at CENIMAT and is responsible for the electron microscopy laboratories of CENIMAT. In 2015, she became Assistant Professor at the Materials Science Department of NOVA School of Science and Technology. She is co-author over 70 peer-reviewed papers, co-authored 1 book and 2 book chapters.

Dr. Stefan Zaefferer Department Microstructure Physics and Alloy Design, Max Planck Institute

Stefan Zaefferer received his PhD in physical metallurgy and metal physics at the TU Clausthal in Germany. During his post doc time in Paris and Kyoto, he developed the computer program TOCA, an on-line TEM-Program for indexing of diffraction patterns and microscope control „virtual microscope“. He is the head of the research group Microscopy and Diffraction at the MPIE since 2000 and he has mainly dealt with the development of electron diffraction techniques in SEM and TEM and applied these methods to the investigation of various metallic and intermetallic materials. Now Stefan focuses his research on projects with emphasis on environmental protection and sustainability. He also teaches at RWTH Aachen and guest lectures at various universities.

Ing. Michaela Petrzilkova Institute for Nanomaterials, Advanced Technologies and Innovation, TUL
Ing. Pavel Kejzlar, Ph.D. Institute for Nanomaterials, Advanced Technologies and Innovation, TUL


1. ZEISS Forum

ZEISS Forum Carl-Zeiss-Straße 22 73447 Oberkochen Germany

2. ZEISS Microscopy Customer Center Europe

ZEISS Microscopy Customer Center Europe Rudolf-Eber-Straße 2 73447 Oberkochen

Hotel Information

The booking and the costs for the hotel are to be paid by the participant.
Room capacities have been reserved in these hotels from 28 - 31 March, 2023

Booking code: ZEISS EMEA User Meeting

Eugen-Bolz-Platz 2
73447 Oberkochen
Tel +49 7364 955540
Price single room with breakfast: 107 – 117 EURO

Hotel Goldenes Lamm
Kocherstraße 8
73432 Aalen
Tel. +49 7361 98680
Price single room with breakfast: 89 - 119 EURO

Please book your room immediately, stating the booking code.

The accommodation costs are to be paid by the participant themselves.

Carl Zeiss Microscopy does not cover these travel expenses.

Booking deadline is March 6th, 2023.
If you are planning to arrive a day earlier or later than originally booked (28 - 31 March 2023), we kindly ask you to coordinate this change with the hotel personally by 6th March, at the latest.

Bus Transfers

Tuesday – 29th March 2023
Bus transfer from the Hotel "Goldenes Lamm" to the ZEISS Forum is organized.
Pick up in the morning at 7:45am

Bus transfers during the event between ZEISS Forum and the ZEISS Microscopy Customer center are organized at midday and evening.

Bus transfers - Evening event (dinner)
17:30 ZEISS Forum > Hotel "Vilotel" > Hotel "Goldenes Lamm"
22:30 Hotel Goldenes Lamm > Hotel "Vilotel"

Wednesday – 30th March 2023
Bus transfer from the Hotel "Goldenes Lamm" to the ZEISS Forum is organized.
Pick up in the morning at 8:00am

Bus transfers during the event between ZEISS Forum and the ZEISS Microscopy Customer center are organized at midday and evening.

Departure on 30th March
Bus Transfer from the ZEISS Microscopy Customer Center is provided:
Train Station Oberkochen (1) > ZEISS Forum (2) > Vilotel (3) > Hotel Goldenes Lamm (4) > Train Station Aalen (5)

Note: Hotel "Vilotel" is in walking distance to the ZEISS Forum -> no Bus transfer is provided.

Arrival by Car

Due to limited parking facilities at the Customer Center, please park at the hotel or at the parking slot in front of the ZEISS Forum. Bus transfer between ZEISS Forum and the ZEISS Microscopy Customer Center are organized (midday and evening)