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FIB-SEM to Simplify Automated TEM Sample Preparation
Achieve fully-automated and unattended TEM sample preparation in your semiconductor lab with ZEISS Crossbeam 550 Samplefab, a robust pre-configured high-end FIB-SEM. Obtain best sample quality and high automation reliability with high lamella success rates, especially for multi-site preparations. Enjoy an intuitive user interface designed for fast learning and optimum efficiency without sacrificing flexibility.
Unlock the potential of your lab productivity
Achieve reliable and precise endpointing
Benefit from an automation yield promise of >90% for unsupervised lamella processing from bulk sample to TEM grid
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Full FIB automation of TEM sample preparation - from bulk milling to lift-out and thinning - is delivered through a segmented workflow that can be linked as desired for in situ and ex situ lift-out workflows.
User-Friendly Interface
for Easy Operation
Crossbeam 550 Samplefab user interface has been completely redesigned to facilitate rapid learning and intuitive operation for both novices and expert users, ensuring a seamless experience. The enhanced control software improves stability and usability, further streamlining the operational process.
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Automated TEM Sample Preparation
for Optimized Results
ZEISS Crossbeam 550 Samplefab microscope’s hands-free TEM lamella preparation process can create 10 lamellae in under 8 hours, saving valuable time and resources. Its proprietary lift-out technology provides superior automation yield and the ability to thin down to 100 nm on a variety of semiconductor sample types, ensuring high-quality results every time.
Superior Automation Yield
for Maximum Success Rates
Recipe-based automation promises an automation yield of >90% for unsupervised processing of lamellae from bulk sample to TEM grid, without operator intervention. Automated checks allow human interventions to ensure no lamella are lost during processing, driving lamella success rates towards 100%.
Stable and Efficient Workflow
for Increased Productivity
The Crossbeam Samplefab workflow is so robust that dozens of lamellae can be created using a single probe tip, which only needs reshaping after multiple days of heavy use. This significantly enhances the tool's productive uptime and reduces expenses on consumables, ultimately saving you both time and money.
To address the growing industry need for TEM sample preparation, we have built a dedicated FIB-SEM, the Crossbeam 550 Samplefab. Our focus is to offer the most robust automation available on the market today, allowing fully unsupervised operation of down to 100 nm thin lamellae with high accuracy and throughput.
Get more details from ZEISS Crossbeam 550 Samplefab brochure.