ZEISS Solutions for Geoscience
From Imaging to Analytics
Geoscience is a critical fundamental research topic focused on the examination of processes that govern the formation and evolution of the world around us. It also underpins the processes that control its economic development and utilization.
From micropaleontology to mineralogical studies to the modeling of three-dimensional fluid flow, ZEISS Microscopy has provided geoscientific imaging and analysis solutions for over one hundred years.
Discover the latest technical advancements:
Meet ZEISS at AGU 2023
11 - 15 December 2023

Visit us in Booth 523
Moscone Center in San Francisco, California, USA
Join us at the ZEISS Theatre for Expert Talks on
- Hard Rocks
- Soft Rocks
- Stratigraphy
- Planetary Geology
- Automated Petrology, Techniques and Analytics
- AI for Machine Learning, Segmentation, Analytics
- Paleontology and more...
ZEISS Solutions for Geoscience ZEISS provides the most advanced solutions in 2D and 3D mineralogy, petrography, and mineral physics for your geoscience challenges, underscored by AI-driven segmentation and analysis..

Classification of shale heterogeneity. Green: fracture. Blue: low porosity. Red: high porosity. Yellow: pyrite. Imaged with ZEISS Xradia Versa 3D X-ray microscope.
Classification of shale heterogeneity. Green: fracture. Blue: low porosity. Red: high porosity. Yellow: pyrite. Imaged with ZEISS Xradia Versa 3D X-ray microscope.
Perform detailed investigations of clastic, carbonate, and evaporitic rocks and understand weathering and erosion processes that shaped the geological features of Earth. Use automated grain size and shape measurements to understand the environmental conditions of formation. Employ correlative microscopy to blend mineralogy data from polarized light microscopes and automated mineralogy to provide textural knowledge. Determine stratigraphic sequences from microfossils and use detailed data on an organism’s structure to identify species and development levels to provide geological timescales.

Igneous & Metamorphic Petrology
Analyze and describe magmatic, volcanic, and metamorphic processes with advances in technology that allow you to quantify mineral distribution, automate large-scale analyses, describe structures in 3D, and integrate data together to facilitate a better understanding of the dynamic forces that shape the world around us.
Traditional paleontological research has required samples to be removed from storage media or cut out from their host rock. Non-destructive imaging of irreplaceable samples can be accomplished using multiscale 3D X-ray microscopy. This allows you to make 3D morphological measurements on internal structures without interfering with the sample in any way.
Planetary Geology
From meteorites to pre-solar grains, the study of extra-terrestrial material requires advanced capabilities using multi-scale, multi-modal correlative analysis.

Volume segment showing interior location of gold in core sample
Volume segment showing interior location of gold in core sample
Ore Body Research
Improving ore deposit knowledge, refining our understanding of oregenesis and understanding more effective ways of extracting valuable ore is critical in ensuring we have resources available for future generations. For these studies we can combine optical, electron, and X-ray microscopy to help characterize and understand these ore deposits.

Mineral physics at the nanoscale with multidirectional magnetic fields

Mineral physics at the nanoscale with multidirectional magnetic fields. Image courtesy of University of Cambridge, UK.
Mineral physics at the nanoscale with multidirectional magnetic fields. Image courtesy of University of Cambridge, UK.
Mineral Physics
The science of mineral physics involves the understanding of the physical properties of the materials that comprise the Earth and other planets. It provides a critical link between fundamental petrological knowledge, and the more esoteric observations of seismic, magnetic, and geodynamic properties of rocks and the Earth. Understanding mineral properties at the micro-to-nano scale involves a combination of empirical observations of natural samples and experimental petrology. In other forms of geoscience, we look at a sample to understand something bigger; in mineral physics, we look at features much smaller than the sample.

From educating the next generation of geoscientists to the latest advances in technologies such as non-destructive 3D X-ray microscopy and quantitative mineral mapping, ZEISS enables you to gain unparalleled knowledge from your geoscientific specimens from the macro- to the nanoscale.
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