Virtual Workshop

Lattice SIM 3 Bootcamp: Building a Strong Foundation for Superresolution Imaging Success

A ZMCC Knowledge Builder Workshop

10:00 am - 1:30 pm PST

Workshop Overview & Agenda

This virtual workshop will cover methods and supporting theory to enable attendees to become more comfortable and competent operating their ZEISS Lattice SIM 3 under varying conditions and sample types. Some prior SIM imaging background will be helpful but not required to attend. It is recommended that attendees secure time on their instruments after the workshop sessions to apply the shared methods on their own challenging samples. Attendees are strongly encouraged to share their images from individual sessions and interact with our Applications team through independent email threads for further optimization.

This is a one-day online workshop consisting of one four-hour session with breaks, streamed live from the ZEISS Lattice SIM 3 located at the ZEISS Microscopy Customer Center (ZMCC) in Dublin, CA. Through screen-sharing from the instrument and multiple cameras, the complete operation of the instrument will be visible as our Microscopy Application experts cover a full itinerary of training topics as detailed below.

Topics that will be covered in this workshop include:

Imaging Preparation
SIM and Lattice SIM theory

  • 2D and 3D SIM
  • Lattice SIM and unique features/application space for the Lattics SIM 3

Setup and Maintenance of the Lattice SIM 3

  • Stage Leveling

Finding your sample or ROI

  • AI Sample Finder
  • Guided Acquisition

Choosing your imaging parameters: Widefield, laser widefield, Lattice SIM, Apotome, Leap mode and Burst mode

Live cell imaging

  • Rapid (<1s 3D, <10ms 2D) imaging and timelapses
  • Long-term timelapses
Fixed Imaging
  • Resolution vs S/N
  • Imaging deep into samples
  • Image tiling and other methods to cover large volumes
  • Stitching and Shading correvtion of titled Volumes

Data processing and analysis

  • SIM vs SIM2 processing
  • Processing best practices

After the workshop sessions, the attendees are strongly encouraged to attempt the methods shown on their own systems with their own challenging samples and share their images with the applications team through independent email threads. Our support team will assist in further optimization and answer any questions to help attendees acquire the best data possible.

Who should attend?

  • Existing users of ZEISS Lattice SIM 3, Lattice SIM 5, and Elyra 7 systems
  • Infrequent SIM users in need of a refresh of theory and techniques related to Fluorescence microscopy, resolution, 3D deconvolution, and SIM imaging
  • Lab managers or technicians looking to improve their own skill level to better support and/or train other users of the instrument

Learning Objectives after completion of this workshop, attendees should:

  • Possess an improved ability to select imaging parameters to yield high-quality images of even challenging samples
  • Have an understanding and appreciation for the theory behind superresolution SIM imaging and deconvolution methods
  • Be connected with the North American Applications team who can support them as they work towards acquiring the best data possible

Registration Deadline: May 28

William Briley, PhD Applications Engineer

Will is responsible for ZEISS’ advanced 3D imaging solutions at the Zeiss Microscopy Customer Center (ZMCC), including the Lattice SIM family, Lattice Lightsheet 7, and Lightsheet 7. He has been with Zeiss for 4 years and has 18 years of microscopy experience across a spectrum of biological and nonbiological applications. Will is a chronic tinkerer and when he's not in the lab, you might find him working on projects like 3D printing bespoke microscope holders or developing other innovative contraptions for everyday use.
Will holds a B.S. and M.S. in Chemical Engineering, and a Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Biological Sciences from Northwestern University.