ZEISS Axiocam 305 mono
Your Fast 5 Megapixel Microscope Camera for Routine Fluorescence Applications
Axiocam 305 mono your 5 megapixel camera from ZEISS for fluorescence imaging for your routine lab and enables a range of applications for live cell observation. The state-of-the-art CMOS Global Shutter technology lets you follow and capture samples accurately. Thanks to its high dynamic range, you can acquire single images with high contrasts and intensities. A dark homogenous background helps you see even the finest structural details. And it’s a really fast camera, acquiring up to 36 frames per second at full 5 megapixel resolution.
Highly sensitive sensor technology and sophisticated camera engineering means your Axiocam 305 mono will deliver reproducible results every time. The sensor is temperature-stabilized, resulting in reproducible quality and reduced background noise. Easy to use ZEN imaging software fully supports the robust camera performance by an intuitive user interface through a simple and fast USB 3.0 connection.


Green: GFP, red: tubulin – Alexa 568, blue: Hoechst 33342, acquired with ZEISS Axio Imager.D2, objective: Plan APOCHROMAT 63× / 1.4
ZEISS Axiocam 305 mono is Recommended for
- Fluorescence imaging applications with live and fixed cells
- Documentation of fluorescent cell cultures
- Routine tasks in cell laboratories
- Materials research in near infrared wavelengths
- Time lapse recording
- Multi channel imaging without the need for hardware trigger synchronization

Quantum efficiency
Quantum efficiency
Highlights of Axiocam 305 mono
- 5 megapixel CMOS global shutter sensor
- 11.1 mm image diagonal
- Fast readout with 36 images per second in full color resolution
- 12 bit digitization for finer gradation in signal
- Small 3.45 micron pixels for better sampling at low magnifications
- Global shutter architecture for distortion-free images
- Active thermal stabilization of the sensor for extremely reproducible image quality
- Easy to use super-speed USB 3.0 connection
- Fast and efficient operation with ZEN imaging software
Application Examples

Antibody staining of mouse brain section

Cell nuclei (blue), astrocytes (green), cytokeratin (red), acquired with ZEISS Axio Imager, objective: EC Plan-NEOFLUAR 20x / 0.50
Antibody staining of mouse brain section
Cell nuclei (blue), astrocytes (green), cytokeratin (red), acquired with ZEISS Axio Imager, objective: EC Plan-NEOFLUAR 20x / 0.50

Brine shrimp

EOSIN staining, processed z-stack image
Brine shrimp
EOSIN staining, processed z-stack image